Marek J. Druzdzel: Teaching

At first I intended to put a personal statement of my teaching goals here, but I realized that I could not phrase what I believe in better than the following three quotes:

"I don't believe I can really do without teaching." --- Richard P. Feynman

"If we expect students to be winners and expect them to do well, they will rise to the occasion." --- Jaime Escalante

"We can talk all we want about awards and salary raises, but the real reward of teaching is teaching. The personal satisfaction you get when you do it effectively is just phenomenal." --- David W. Pratt

Academic advising:

Ph.D. Dissertation (INFSCI 3099)
M.S. Thesis (INFSCI 2099)
Independent Studies (INFSCI 2091-2094)
How to Survive My Classes (this is a general document with advice on class taking with me)
Letters of recommendation (please read this before asking me for one)
Decision Systems Laboratory (this is my research group)

Fall and Spring 2016-2017:

Sabbatical leave

Other courses taught in the past:

Data Analytics (INFSCI 2725)
Data Structures and Programming Techniques (INFSCI 0015)
File Processing (INFSCI 0018)
Programming Design and Software Tools (INFSCI 0020)
Statistical Analysis of Data (INFSCI 1000)
Database Management Systems (INFSCI 1022)
Information Communication and Coding Theory (INFSCI 2012)
Data Structures (INFSCI 2066)
Database Management (INFSCI 2071)
Research Design (INFSCI 2040 / ISSP 2250)
Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems (INFSCI 2130 / ISSP 2240)
Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web (INFSCI 2180)
Introduction to Doctoral Studies (INFSCI 3005)
Decision Support Systems for Public Managers (90-745)
Object Oriented Programming: Java (CIOS-365, Section 301)

HOME / Last update: 15 December 2016