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Denote by Sn the set of all permutations on a set with n elements,
which we take without loss to be
Under the composition of
permutations Sn is a group, called the Symmetric group of degree n.
Let Sn act on the set of polynomials with integral coefficients;
The orbit
under this action is clearly
Thus the
stabilizer of P in Sn is a subgroup of index 2; call it An. Note that
the transposition (ij) sends P to -P, for all
all transpositions
lie therefore outside An.
Represent Sn on the left cosets of An by left translation. Denote the
cosets by
The kernel of this representation is
We conclude that An is normal in Sn. To summarize, this
representation sends
if and only if m is even. Thus
if and only if m is even.
A cycle
decomposes into k-1 transpositions.
Therefore a cycle of length k is in An if and only if k is odd. By
the decomposition into disjoint cycles of any element of S_
n we
conclude as follows:
* A permutation belong to An if and only if it has an even number of cycles of
even length.
Elements of An are called even permutations. Elements of
called odd permutations. We call An the
ing group of degree
A group is simple if it has no normal subgroups other that itself and
Theorem (Simplicity of
The alternating group of degree n is simple;
Proof: The group A3 is easily seen to be simple. When n=4 we have the
normal subgroup 1, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23) in A4, so A4 is not
simple. Assume
Step 1 An is generated by the 3-cycles. [In fact An is generated by
the n-2 3-cycles
Indeed, any element of An is a product of transpositions of the form
(ab)(cd) or (ab)(ac). Since
(acd) and
(ab)(ac)=(acb) we
conclude that An is generated by the 3-cycles. Furthermore,
1(12a), and
(abc)=(12a)-1(12c)(12b)-1(12a), which shows that every 3-cycle is
generated by a cycle of the form (12k).
Step 2 If H is a normal subgroup of An and H contains a 3-cycle,
then H=An.
Without loss
by normality.
An=<(12k): all
and H=An.
We now assume that
is normal in An. The idea is to show
that H contains a 3-cycle, necessarily. We then invoke Step 2 to
conclude the proof. Consider the exhausting possibilities examined
Case 1. Without loss assume that H contains
is disjoint of
Then, by the normality of H,
H contains
We are done by Step 2.
Case 2. Assume without loss that
is a
product of disjoint transpositions. Then H contains
We are done by Step 1.
Case 3. Assume without loss that
a product of
disjoint transpositions. Then H contains
and we
are done by Step 2.
Case 4. Assume that H contains elements that are products of disjoint
transpositions. Without loss let
be such an element of H.
By normality H contains
))(135)=(135), and
we are done by Step 2. This ends the proof.
Next: The Frobenius-Cauchy lemma
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Previous: Group actions
Gregory Constantine