Oracle8 Time Series Cartridge User's Guide
Release 8.0.4






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Error Messages

This appendix lists the Time Series cartridge error messages, including the cause and recommended user action for each.

TS-00500, "internal error"

Cause: This is the generic internal error number for Time Series exceptions. This indicates that a process has encountered an exceptional condition.

Action: Report as a bug.

TS-00501, "the input patterns are not of the same length"

Cause: The input calendars have patterns of different lengths. For example, '0,1,1,1,1,1,0' and '0,1,1,1,1,0' were specified.

Action: Use calendars with patterns of the same length.

TS-00503, "patanchor can be null only if patbits.count=1 or all patbits are the same"

Cause: Pattern anchor was null, and pattern was not acceptable for a null patanchor. The anchor can be null only when using all-zero or all-one pattern bits.

Action: Supply a pattern anchor date, or adjust the pattern bits.

TS-00504, "illegal validflag parameter was passed to DisplayValCal/DisplayValTS"

Cause: DisplayValCal or DisplayValTS was called with invalid parameters.

Action: Only call DisplayValCal and DisplayValTS with the output of ValidateCal or ValidateTS, respectively.

TS-00505, "illegal outmessage parameter was passed to DisplayValCal/DisplayValTS"

Cause: DisplayValCal or DisplayValTS was called with invalid parameters.

Action: Only call DisplayValCal and DisplayValTS with the output of ValidateCal or ValidateTS, respectively.

TS-00506, "the calendar pattern is null"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge encountered a calendar having a null pattern.

Action: Ensure that all calendars have a non-null pattern.

TS-00507, "the calendar has an imprecise mindate or maxdate"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge encountered a calendar having an imprecise mindate or maxdate.

Action: Ensure that all calendar mindates and maxdates are precise.

TS-00510, "datetab has dates outside the bounds of the calendar"

Cause: DeriveExceptions encountered dates outside of the input calendar's mindate/maxdate.

Action: Adjust mindate/maxdate or remove extraneous dates from the input DateTab.

TS-00511, "calendar pattern bits array is either empty or null"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge encountered a calendar with an empty or null array of pattern bits.

Action: Update the calendar to include a valid array of pattern bits.

TS-00512, "invalid frequency value - valid frequencies are: 1,2,3,4,6,8"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a calendar with an unsupported frequency.

Action: Restrict all calendars to frequencies: 1,2,3,4,6,8.

TS-00513, "the input dates are in the wrong order"

Cause: The date range provided was in reverse order.

Action: When specifying a date range, always list the earlier date first.

TS-00514, "calendar pattern has an imprecise anchor date"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a calendar with an anchor having the wrong precision.

Action: Adjust the precision of the anchor to match the calendars frequency.

TS-00515, "input date is less than calendar mindate"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a date less than mindate.

Action: Ensure that all input dates are within the mindate-maxdate range of the calendar.

TS-00516, "input date is greater than calendar maxdate"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a date greater than maxdate.

Action: Ensure that all input dates are within the mindate-maxdate range of the calendar.

TS-00519, "the series attribute of the time series type is null"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a null series within a time series.

Action: Ensure that all time series have a non-null series component.

TS-00520, "the input calendar is null"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a null calendar.

Action: Ensure that all calendars are non-null.

TS-00522, "error scaling date to calendar"

Cause: Input date cannot be scaled to given calendar.

Action: Ensure that the given calendar is valid and that the calendar's mindate and maxdate encompass all potential timestamp values.

TS-00523, "the input date is null"

Cause: Scaleup has encountered a null date. No scaling semantics are defined for a null date.

Action: Ensure that all input to Scaleup is non-null.

TS-00525, "the input time series is null"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a null time series.

Action: Ensure that all time series are not atomically null.

TS-00526, "the input time series has a null calendar"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a null calendar within a time series.

Action: Ensure that all time series include valid (non-null) calendars.

TS-00527, "error scaling up to the target calendar frequency"

Cause: Scaleup encountered a target calendar of finer frequency than that of the input time series' calendar.

Action: Scaleup requires a target calendar of equal or coarser frequency.

TS-00528, "calendar has a null mindate or a null maxdate"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a calendar with a null mindate or maxdate.

Action: Ensure that all calendars have a valid mindate and maxdate.

TS-00529, "calendar mindate is greater than its maxdate"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a calendar with mindate > maxdate.

Action: Ensure that all calendars have a valid mindate <= maxdate.

TS-00530, "series indexes must be greater than 0"

Cause: GetNthElement encountered an index less than 1.

Action: Use indexes greater than 0.

TS-00531, "the input time series has a null calendar reference"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a time series with a null calendar reference.

Action: Ensure that all calendar references are valid.

TS-00532, "unable to DEREF calendar referenced by time series"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge was unable to dereference a calendar reference.

Action: Verify that the user executing the query has select privileges for the calendar table storing the object, and that the correct calendar has been referenced by the time series ref.

TS-00533, "the time series has data beyond its calendar mindate/maxdate"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a time series with data beyond mindate/maxdate.

Action: Ensure that all timestamps in a time series are within the calendar's mindate/maxdate.

TS-00534, "the number of rows requested must be a positive integer"

Cause: The requested number of rows was less than 0.

Action: Use a positive number to specify the number of rows requested.

TS-00535, "the time series ref has a null table_name parameter"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a time series ref having a null table_name.

Action: Ensure that all time series refs include a valid table name.

TS-00536, "the time series ref has a null tstamp_colname parameter"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a time series ref having a null tstamp_colname.

Action: Ensure that all time series refs include a valid timestamp column name.

TS-00537, "the time series ref has a null value_colname parameter"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a time series ref having a null value_colname.

Action: Ensure that all time series refs include a valid value column name.

TS-00538, "the time series ref has a null qualifier_colname parameter"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a time series ref having a null qualifier_colname.

Action: Ensure that all time series refs include a valid qualifier column name.

TS-00539, "the time series ref has a null qualifier_value parameter"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge has encountered a time series ref having a null qualifier_value.

Action: Ensure that all time series refs include a valid qualifier value.

TS-00540, "the projected lead timestamp is beyond the calendar mindate/maxdate"

Cause: The given parameters result in timestamps outside of mindate/maxdate.

Action: Adjust the lead timestamp or lead units to remain within calendar mindate/maxdate, or extend the mindate/maxdate.

TS-00541, "the projected lag timestamp is beyond the calendar mindate/maxdate"

Cause: The given parameters result in timestamps outside of mindate/maxdate.

Action: Adjust the lag timestamp or lag units to remain within calendar mindate/maxdate, or extend the mindate/maxdate.

TS-00542, "the window size for mavg/msum must be >= 1"

Cause: Window size parameter passed to moving average/sum was not greater than 0.

Action: Use a window size parameter greater than or equal to 1.

TS-00547, "the input fill type is invalid"

Cause: Fill has been called with a filltype less than 0 or greater than 2.

Action: Use a valid filltype: 0, 1, or 2.

TS-00551, "error parsing the SQL statement with the time series ref"

Cause: The SQL statement constructed from the time series ref was invalid.

Action: Verify the validity of the time series ref:

TS-00552, "error executing the SQL statement with the time series ref"

Cause: The SQL statement constructed from the time series ref was invalid.

Action: Verify the validity of the time series ref:

TS-00553, "divide by zero error"

Cause: An attempt was made to divide by zero with TSDivide.

Action: When dividing by a constant, ensure that the constant is non-zero.

TS-00554, "the input calendar patterns are not equal"

Cause: DeriveExceptions requires the reference time series' calendar to have the same pattern as the time series being processed.

Action: Ensure that DeriveExceptions is called only with time series having the same pattern.

TS-00555, "the input calendar frequencies are not equal"

Cause: DeriveExceptions requires the reference time series' calendar to have the same frequency as the time series being processed.

Action: Ensure that DeriveExceptions is called only with time series having the same frequency.

TS-00556, "mindate of the ref calendar exceeds the mindate of the target calendar"

Cause: DeriveExceptions encountered a reference time series' calendar having a mindate greater than that of the target time series' calendar.

Action: Ensure that DeriveExceptions is called only with appropriate time series.

TS-00557, "maxdate of the target calendar exceeds the maxdate of the ref calendar"

Cause: DeriveExceptions encountered a reference time series' calendar having a maxdate less than that of the target time series' calendar.

Action: Ensure that DeriveExceptions is called only with appropriate time series.

TS-00558, "the target calendar should have empty on/off exception lists"

Cause: DeriveExceptions encountered a target time series' calendar having non-empty exception lists.

Action: Ensure that DeriveExceptions is called only with target time series having empty exception lists.

TS-00559, "the caltype field in the calendar has an illegal value"

Cause: The Time Series Cartridge encountered a calendar with an invalid calendar type.

Action: Ensure that all calendars have valid calendar type value. Valid calendar types are: (Exception-driven calendars = 0)


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