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How to make an .iso image (standard cdrom image; usefull for cloning):



If you are looking to copy a DVD movie using Windows, go for DVDshrink (taken from It's simple: install it, run it, "open disk" button and pick your dvd (and wait a bit to let it scan the disk), then pick "no compression" in the drop down menu (or leave it "automatic" if you only have single-layer dvds, which is a super nice feature of this program), then "backup" button and save it as a .iso file (a.k.a. single file on your disk) and wait. Then right click on the new file and select burn (and if you have an older OS like XP, you'll hopefully have dvd burning software that came with your computer or drive--if not, go somewhere like and search for "burn iso" (note: for all searches, look for lots of stars and "total downloads" and free!); e.g. "imgburn").