- There are several places that physicians (and others) can search for medical information
on the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE database. You can go directly to the NLM;
this used to require that you set up an account and pay for your
searches; but as of late July 1997, it is free and you don't need an account or password.
And, the search engine works better than any of the free ones, and you can import the
results easily into EndNote+ using the MEDLINGM filter. Recommended.
- National Library of Medicine Internet Grateful Med site
- There are several other sites that offer MEDLINE access, presumably paid for by
advertising and other medical company contributions. Some sites offer these only to
physicians, others only to those in the U.S. -- but try and see if you can get in anyway,
even if you're not a U.S. physician. These sites offer other services, sometimes including
free email access for physicians, and other databases:
- Avicenna Medical Web Site, with free Medline access
- Physicians Online (POL) -- free Medline access
- HealthGate -- free Medline access
- Healthy.Net
Medline Access
- MedScape: free Medline and other resources
- Here are some other good medical sites that don't offer Medline access, but have lots of
other good information:
- US EMT-Paramedic Curriculum Revision
Project, being done by the Center for Emergency Medicine -- where you can download drafts
of the new EMT-P Curriculum
- The Wilderness EMS Institute -- information on
emergency medicine as practiced by mountain and cave rescue teams ("wilderness
- Global Emergency Medicine Archives -- the
premier emergency medicine site; has my Hypertext Medical Notebook posted there for
- Pennsylvania Chapter, American College of Emergency
Physicicians -- nice site to learn about the specialty of emergency medicine (including
registration for the ACEP Emergency Department Informatics Symposium in December 1996 in
- National Center for Emergency Medicine Informatics
(NCEMI) -- good information, including information about Emergency Department Tracking
Systems, and LOTS of links (includes my information on how to choose an ED tracking
- MedExplorer -- plans to be a super-link and
super-search site for medical Web sites
- MedConnect -- continuing medical
education and more
- Physicians' Guide to the Internet
- Back to Keith's
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