October 2024
Several ANR abstracts were presented at the International Society of Anesthetic Pharmacology (ISAP) annual meeting and the American Society of Anesthesiology annual meeting in Philadelphia. The ANR abstract "Modulation of human brain areas for memory and pain by propofol, dexmedetomidine, and fentanyl: A randomized controlled 7 T functional MRI study in healthy young adults" won the first place award at the ISAP meeting.
April 2024
Several ANR abstracts were presented at the annual Safar Symposium at the University of Pittsburgh.
- Dr. Marcus Simmons presented the abstract titled "Cognitive performance and pain perception with propofol, dexmedetomidine, and fentanyl in healthy young adults".
- Alex Burlew presented the abstract titled "MRI Study of Steady-State Intravenous Lidocaine Infusion:Changes in Functional Connectivity During Resting-State".
March 2024
- Dr. Vogt presented an abstract at the Association of University Anesthesiologists (AUA) annual meeting, titled "Neural correlates of steady-state lidocaine infusion in humans: A functional MRI study of pain response and resting-state connectivity".
- Dr. Vogt was honored by the AUA as Member of the Year.
April 2023
Several ANR abstracts were accepted for dual presentation at the Association for University Anesthesiologists (AUA) and International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) annual meetings.
- Dr. Brian Reon, PGY4 is first author and presented the abstract titled "Intraoperative Triple Low States and Low MAP-BIS States are Associated with Post-Operative ICU Delirium".
- Pitt medical student Alex Burlew is first author and presented the abstract titled "Resting-state functional connectivity changes with propofol, dexmedetomidine, and fentanyl in healthy young adults: A randomized placebo-controlled comparative study using 7 Tesla MRI".
- Dr. Vogt presented on an abstract titled "Modulation of human memory and pain by diverse anesthetic agents: A randomized placebo-controlled crossover 7 Tesla functional MRI study in healthy young adults".
October 23, 2022
Lab member and UPMC PANTHER scholar Brian Reon was accepted to the 2022 Foundation for Anesthesiology Education and Research (FAER)
Resident Scholar Program. Brian presented his recent analytic work to determine factors contributing to the development of post-operative ICU delirium at the American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
October 1, 2022
Dr. Vogt co-authored with Dr. Kane Pryor from Weill Cornell Medicine, a review article titled "Anesthesia and the neurobiology of fear and postraummatic stress disorder" which was published in the Neuroanesthesia section of Current Opinion in Anesthesiology. This is a novel compilation of available research findings for how anesthetic and analgesic agents may affect the human fear system and the development of psychological sequalae after trauma or surgery.
Read ArticleResults from a behavioral study conducted by our group was published in Experimental Brain Research. This helps to clarify the effects that painful stimulation has on memory encoding in unsedated participants.
September 24, 2022
Read ArticleSeptember 1, 2022
Dr. Vogt is the recipient of NIH grant R35GM146822, a Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. This grant supports a 5-year program of further research into how the brain functions differently under anesthetic and analgesic agents.
June 5-6, 2022
Dr. Vogt was an invited speaker at the 11th International Symposium on Memory and Awareness under Anesthesia. This normally triennial event was originally scheduled for June of 2020, and finally able to happen in-person in June of 2022.
Resident Brian Reon, medical student Alex Burlew, and Undergraduate Research Assistant Lindsay Zhang presented posters at the 19th Safar Symposium Multi-Departmental Trainees' Research Day.
May 26, 2022
Anesthesiology News article "Common Factors Seen in Very Rare Patient Awareness" features work presented at the 2021 meeting of the International Anesthesia Research Society by Amanda Deis, MD. and Keith M. Vogt, MD, PhD.
February 10, 2022
American Society of Anesthesiologists: Editor's Choice: Midazolam and Ketamine Neuroimaging during Pain
July 2021
American Society of Anesthesiologists: Editor's Choice: Midazolam and Ketamine Neuroimaging during Pain
July 2021
Watch HereApril 27, 2021
Ketamine International Journal Club: Midazolam and Ketamine Produce Distinct Neural Changes in Memory, Pain, and Fear Networks during Pain
May 27, 2021
International Anesthesia Research Society: Kosaka Clinical Research Award Winner
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