The 2025 International Workshop on Health Informatics Education (HI-Edu 2025)
in Conjunction with the 13th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare
Informatics ICHI 2025
June 18-21, 2025, Rende, Italy
Advancements in biotechnologies and health information technology have ushered in a new era of generating and collecting digital health-related data. The widespread adoption of electronic health record (EHR) systems, smart devices, and social media has produced enormous amounts of data. To harness the wealth of information within this data, there is an imminent demand for a well-trained cadre of Health Informatics (HI) professionals and researchers, who can effectively manage, explore, analyze, and interpret healthcare data for health care services. To meet this need, many new HI education programs have emerged in the last decade. Here health informatics is a broadly defined term, which may cover fields such as medical informatics, data science, health information management, public health informatics, dental informatics, nursing informatics, pathology informatics, and health care administration, to name just a few.
Researchers and educators have also devoted significant time and efforts in identifying the most effective approaches for providing high-quality HI education to equip HI graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to successfully overcome the challenges they face in their careers. However, as an interdisciplinary field, HI education exhibits various patterns and practices worldwide with various challenges. Moreover, the vast volume of health data presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges for training with hands-on experiences with real-world data for solving real-world problems.
To shape the future of health informatics education, the 2025 International
Workshop on Health Informatics Education (HI-Edu 2025) will
provide a unique platform for close interactions
among educators, researchers, students, scholars, and industry professionals
who are interested in HI education. HI-Edu 2025 will be a one-day workshop that
consists of a keynote speech, an invited talk, podium talks, and poster
We are calling for full papers (regular and short papers) and abstracts
on novel approaches, work in progress, and original state-of-the-art projects
in HI education activities, HI education program development, HI education research,
tools and resources for HI education, and cases studies.
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Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
HI Education Research: any original educational research in HI education
HI Education program development and curriculum improvement
Pedagogy for High Quality HI Education: any general or specific pedagogy for
HI education.
Tools and Resources for HI Education: such as data sets, apps,
websites, etc., for HI education.
Challenges in HI Education: any challenges and obstacles facing the HI
education and training
The Current state of HI education: such as the global environment in
HI education and training.
HI Education: opportunities and constraints
Case studies: best practice, research projects, and case studies in
HI education and training
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Submission and Review
We are inviting contributions to the HI-Edu 2025, including regular papers,
short papers, and abstract for posters.
- Regular papers (8-10 pages, references not counted towards
the page limit) will describe mature ideas, where a substantial amount
of implementation, experimentation, or data collection and analysis
has been completed.
- Short papers (4-6 pages, excluding references) will describe
innovative ideas, where preliminary implementation and validation work
have been conducted.
- Abstracts (1 page, including references) will describe work in progress
and preliminary results.
Your submissions must adhere to the
IEEE Proceedings Format.
All papers will be submitted and handled through
When it is time to select a Track, please choose "ICHI - HI-Edu workshop".
Submissions must contain the names and affiliations of authors listed
on the paper. The review process will be single-blinded.
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Presentation and Publication
All accepted submissions will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in other
Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
Accepted papers have an oral presentation slot at the conference.
Accepted abstracts will have a poster presentation slot.
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Organizing Committees
Leming Zhou, PhD, FAMIA,, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Huanmei Wu, PhD, FAMIA,, Temple University, PA, USA.
Josette Jones, RN, PhD, FAMIA,, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Steering Committee:
Bambang Parmanto, PhD, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Yanshan Wang, PhD, FAMIA, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Program Committee:
Ahmad Tafti, PhD, FAMIA,, University of Pittsburgh, US.
Chiu Tan, PhD, , Temple University, US.
Dilhari DeAlmeida, PhD, FAHIMA,, University of Pittsburgh, US.
Saptarshi Purkayastha, PhD, , Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, US.
Cathy A. Flite, PhD, RHIA, FAHIMA,, Temple University, US.
Andi Saptono, PhD,,
University of Pittsburgh, US.
Bari Dzomba, PhD,, Temple University, US.
Omar Martinez, PhD,,
University of Central Florida, US
Young Ji Lee, PhD, MSN, RN,, University of Pittsburgh, US.
Kesa Bond, PhD,,
Temple University, US.
- Pricila Mullachery, DDS, MPH, PhD,, Temple University, US.
Hao Liu, PhD, liuha@montclair,
Montclair State University, US.
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Important Dates:
- Deadline for abstract/paper submissions: March 24, 2025
- Notification of workshop paper acceptance: March 31, 2025
- Camera ready workshop paper due: April 8, 2025
- Workshop date: June 18, 2025
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Keynote Speech , Emilia Zankina, Dean, Temple University Rome, Vice
Provost for Global Engagement, Temple University. 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM (1 hour)
Paper presentations, 20 minutes, including 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion, 9:30 AM - 10:00 PM
Coffee break (10:00 AM - 10:30 AM)
Paper presentations, 20 minutes each, including 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Lunch break (1 hour). 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
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Link to the Previous Workshops
The 2022 International Workshop on Health Informatics Education (HI
-Edu 2022)
The 2023 International Workshop on Health Informatics Education (HI
-Edu 2023)
The 2024 International Workshop on Health Informatics Education (HI
-Edu 2024)
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More Information
For more information about IEEE ICHI 2025, please visit
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