We start with Hematocrit and Hemoglobin
to get the the mean cell value (MCV).
If MCV is high we do the reticulocyte count, serum B12
and serum folate.
If MCV is low we do serum Fe, TIBC;
if low we do ferritin and bone marrow, if normal we do
Hb electrophoresis.
If MCV is normal we do serum Fe, TIBC Reticulocyte
count Haptoglobin Cooms' test and then peripheral smear
examination for RBC morphology:
1- Combs' test and osmotic fragility to diagnosis
2- DIC screen for fragmentation.
3- Hb electrophoresis for Sickle cells.
4- Bone marrow Hb electrophoresis for nucleated RBC.