
This exercise is designed for medical and health professional in order to provide them a way to evaluate their understanding of the lecture material and to receive feed back on the clarity and the quality of our lecture.

The following questions address key points from the lecture, "Anemia". Consider the content presented in the lecture, as well as of that located at other sites on the World Wide Web, when making your responses.

Please complete the following items and return your response by clicking the submit button at the bottom of this page. Remember to include your name and e-mail address

Directions: Choose the best response to each question
1) Which of the following is not considered as hereditary Anemia?

a. Sickle cell anemia

b. Thalassemia

c. Aplastic anemia

d. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

e. Spherocytosis


2) All the Following are factors and causes of Hemolytic Anemia except?

a. Anemia of chronic renal failure

b. Toxicity induced anemia

c. Parasitic disease induced anemia

d. Anemia due to red cell trauma

e. Autoimmune anemia


(3) Anemia is simply too little iron.

a. True

b. False


(4) Anemia represents a decrease in red cell mass or a decrease in hemoglobin contents of blood below physiologic need as set by tissue oxygen demand.

a. True

b. False


(5) The following deficiencies are causes of anemia Except?

a. Iron deficiency

b. Folic acid deficiency

c. Vitamin K deficiency

d. Vitamin C deficiency

e. Vitamin B12 deficiency


(6) All of the following are practical methods in the laboratory evaluation of anemia Except?

a. Hemoglobin

b. Hematocrit

c. Peripheral blood smear and red blood cell count

d. Bone marrow sample examination

e. Reticulocyte count


(7) The normal values of Hemoglobin and Hematocrit is higher in Males than in Females

a. True

b. False


(8) The highest prevalence of anemia is in one of the following age and/or sex group?

a. Children between the age of 6 to 8 years

b. Males between the age of 12 to 44 years

c. Young women between the age of 18 to 45 years of age

d. Infants 1 to 2 years old

e. Elderly men


(9) The highest prevalence of anemia is in one of the following race/gender group?

a. White males over the age of 75 years old

b. Black females under the age of 45 years old

c. White females 45 to 65 years old

d. GWhite females under the age of 45 years old

e. Black males 65 to 74 years old


(10) The highest Geographic and Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) for anemia in USA is in one of the following?

a. Geographic Midwest and MSA-central city

b. Geographic West and not MSA

c. Geographic Midwest and MSA- non central city

d. Geographic South and MSA-central city

e. Geographic Northeast and MSA non central city


(11) Geographic Northeast and MSA non central city.

a. Geographic Northeast and MSA non central city

b. Iron, B12, and Folate supplements

c. Blood or exchange transfusion(s)

d. Treatment should be directed to the causal factor and the underlining disease

e. Bone marrow transfusion


(12) The most cost effective screening method for anemia is one of the following?

a. Red Cell indices

b. Hematocrit

c. Reticulocyte count

d. Blood in the stool and urine

e. Hemoglobin


(13) The implementation of the theory of Epidemiological Transition by Omran is quite clear in the epidemiology of anemia.

a. True

b. False


(14) The following are the characteristics of Anemia of Chronic Disease Except?

a. Accompanies chronic inflammatory, infectious, or neoplastic disorders

b. One of the most frequent anemias

c. Low serum iron despite adequate iron stores and law reticulocyte production

d. Low total iron-binding capacity and low transferin saturation

e. Most often is hypochromic microcytic anemia


(15) Consumption of all the following food will help in preventing anemia (certain types of anemia) Except?

a. Read Meats

b. Organ Meats (especially liver)

c. Milk and dairy products

d. Leafy, green vegetables

e. Tomatoes and citrus fruits


(16) All of the following are risk Factors of Anemia except?

a. Poor nutrition

b. Smoking and excess alcohol consumption

c. Some other diseases like Diabetes Millitus, Myxedema, Malabsorption, Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa

d. Family history of certain types of anemia

e. Vegetarians even if they are eating a balance food


(17) The Environmental factor(s) related to Anemia?

a. Toxicity; Lead, Cooper and Arsenic

b. Parasitic related

c. Law resources; malnutrition

d. Occupational related aplastic anemia due to exposure to Benzene, DDT, Ionized radiation and TNT

e. All of the above


(18) Which of the following is the factor(s) explaining how anemia influences Economy?

a. Severe deficits in the delivery and use of oxygen

b. Decrease work capacity

c. Impair brain functions and low productivity

d. Lessen the ability to maintain body temperature

e. All of the above


(19) Anemia is considered among the fifteen leading causes of death in children under 15 year of age.

a. True

b. False


(20) Iron supplement in food is not recommended for baby, pregnant, and heavily menstruating women.

a. True

b. False



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[ Epidemiology | Incidence and Prevalence | Laboratory Evaluation of Anemia ]

[ Clinical Assessment of Anemia | Casual and Risk Factors | Prevention | Exercises | Lecture on Anemia ]