Name: | Savio L-Y. Woo, Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Eng. |
Title: | Distinguished University Professor
and Director Musculoskeletal Research Center Department of Bioengineering Swanson School of Engineering Professor of Rehabilitation Science & Technology School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences Core Faculty McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine School of Medicine |
Publications | Personal Information & Photos
Publications: (2003 - Present)
Farraro, K.F., Sasaki, N., Woo, S.L-Y., Kim, K.E., Tei, M.M., Speziali, A., McMahon, P.J.: A Magnesium Ring Device for Repair of a Transected Anterior Cruciate Ligament in the Goat Stifle Joint. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 34(11):2001-2008, 2016.
Liang, R., Yang, G., Kim, K.E., D'Amore, A., Pickering, A.N., Zhang, C., Woo, S.L-Y.: Positive Effects of an ECM Hydrogel on Rat ACL Fibroblast Proliferation and Collagen mRNA Expression. J. of Orthopaedic Translation, 3(3):114-122, 2015.
Nguyen, D.T., Dullbrügge, S., Tak, P.P., Woo, S.L-Y., Blankevoort, L., van Dijk, N.C.: Histological Characteristics of Ligament Healing After Bio-Enhanced Repair of the Transected Goat ACL. J. of Experimental Orthopaedics, 2:4, 2015.
Farraro, K.F., Kim, K.E., Woo, S.L-Y., Flowers, J.R., McCullough, M.B.: Revolutionizing Orthopaedic Biomaterials: The Potential of Biodegradable and Bioresorbable Magnesium-Based Materials for Functional Tissue Engineering. J. of Biomechanics, J Biomech. 2014 47(9):1979-1986.
Kim, K.E., Hsu, S-L., Woo, S.L-Y.: Tensile Properties of the Medial Patellofemoral Ligament: The Effect of Specimen Orientation. J. of Biomechanics, 47(2):592-595, 2014.
Sasaki, N., Farraro, K.F., Kim, K.E., Woo, S.L-Y.: Biomechanical Evaluation of the Quadriceps Tendon Autograft for ACL Reconstruction. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 42:723-730, 2014.
Nguyen, D.T., Geel, J., Schulz, M., Raschke, M.J., Woo, S.L-Y., van Dijk, C.N., Blankevoort, L.: Healing of the Goat Anterior Cruciate Ligament after a New Suture Repair Technique and Bioscaffold Treatment. Tissue Engineering, 19(19/20):2292-2299, 2013.
Torry, M.R., Shelburne, K.B., Myers, C., Giphart, J.E., Pennington, W.W., Krong, J.P., Peterson, D.S., Steadman, J.R., Woo, S.L-Y.: High Knee Valgus in Female Subjects Does Not yield Higher Knee Translations During Drop Landings: A Biplane Fluoroscopic Study. J. of Orthopaedic Research, J. of Orthopaedic Research, 31(2):257-267, 2013.
Fisher, M.B., Liang, R., Jung, H-J., Kim, K., Zamarra, G., Almarza, A., McMahon, P.J., Woo, S.L-Y.: Potential of Healing a Transected Anterior Cruciate Ligament with Genetically-Modified Extracellular Matrix Bioscaffolds in a Goat Model. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 20(7):1357-1365, 2012.
Myers, C.A., Torry, M.R., Shelburne, K.B., Giphart, J.E., Woo, S.L-Y., Steadman, J.R.: Tibiofemoral Kinematics During Four Functional Tasks of Increasing Demand Using Biplane Fluoroscopy. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 40(1):170-178, 2012.
Prantil, R.K., Xiu, K., Kim, K.E., Gaitan, D.M., Sacks, M.S., Woo, S.L-Y., Li, Z-M.: Fiber Orientation of the Transverse Carpal Ligament. J. of Anatomy, 25(4):478-482, 2012.
Torry, M.R., Myers, C., Shelburne, K.B., Peterson, D., Giphart, J.E., Pennington, W.W., Krong, J.P., Woo, S.L-Y., Steadman, J.R.: Relationship of Anterior Knee Shear Force and Quadriceps Extensor Moment on Knee Translations in Females Performing Drop Landings: A Biplane Fluoroscopy Study. Clinical Biomechanics, 26(10):1019-1024, 2011.
Myers, C.A., Torry. M.R., Peterson, D., Shelburne, K.B., Giphart, J.E., Krong, J., Woo, S.L-Y., Steadman, J.R.: Measurements of Tibiofemoral Kinematics During Soft and Stiff Drop Landings Using Biplane Fluoroscopy. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 39(8):1714-1722, 2011.
Fisher, M.B., Jung, H-J., McMahon, P.J., Woo, S.L-Y.: Evaluation of Suture Augmentation Following ACL Injury on Joint Stability and the Contribution of the ACL, MCL and Medial Meniscus in a Cadaver Goat Model. J. of Biomechanics, 44(8):1530-1535, 2011.
Jung, H-J., Vangipuram, G., Fisher, M.B., Yang, G., Hsu, S-L. Bianchi, J., Ronholdt, C., Woo, S.L-Y.: The Effects of Multiple Freeze-thaw Cycles on the Biomechanical Properties of the Human Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Allograft. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 29(8):1193-1198, 2011.
Liang, R., Fisher, M., Yang, G., Hall, C., Woo, S.L-Y.: Alpha Gal 1, 3-transferase Knock out does not Alter the Properties of Porcine Extracellular Matrix Bioscaffolds. Acta Biomaterialia, 7(4):1719-1727, 2011.
Torry, M.R., Myers, C., Pennington, W.W., Shelburne, K.B., Krong, J.P., Giphart, J.E., Steadman, J.R., Woo, S.L-Y.: Relationship of Anterior Knee Laxity to Knee Translations During Drop Landings. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 19(4):653-662, 2011.
Torry, M.R., Shelburne, K.B., Peterson, D., Giphart, J.E., Krong, J., Steadman, J.R., Woo, S.L-Y.: Knee Kinematic Profiles During Drop Landings: A Bi-Plane Fluoroscopy Study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 43(3):525-532, 2011.
Fisher, M.B., Jung, H-J., McMahon, P.J., Woo, S.L-Y.: Evaluation of Bone Tunnel Placement for Suture Augmentation of an Injured Anterior Cruciate Ligament: Effects on Joint Stability in a Goat Model. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 28(10):1373-1379, 2010.
Zamarra, G., Fisher, M.B., Woo, S.L-Y., Cerulli, G.: Biomechanical Evaluation Using One Hamstrings Tendon for ACL Reconstruction: A Human Cadaveric Study. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 18(1):11-19, 2010.
Wu, C., Noorani, S., Vercillo, F., Woo, S.L-Y.: Tension Patterns of the Anteromedial and Posterolateral Grafts in a Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 27(7):879-884, 2009.
Darcy, S.P., Gil, J.E., Woo, S.L-Y., Debski, R.E.: The Importance of Postion and Path Repeatability on Force at the Knee During 6-DOF Joint Motion. Medical Eng. And Physics, 31(5):553-557, 2009.
Nguyen, T., Liang, R., Woo, S.L-Y., Burton, S., Wu, C. Almarza, A., Sacks, M., Abramowitch, S.: Effects of Cell-Seeding and Cyclic Stretching on the Remodeling of an Extracellular Matrix Derived Bioscaffold. Tissue Engineering, 15(4):957-963, 2008.
Liang, R., Woo, S.L-Y., Nguyen, T.D., Liu, P-C., Almarza, A.: A Bioscaffold to Enhance Collagen Fibrillogenesis in Healing Medial Collateral Ligament in Rabbits. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 26(8):1098-1104, 2008.
Almarza, A., Augustine, S., Woo, S.L-Y.: Changes in Gene Expression of Matrix Constituents with Respect to Passage of Ligament and Tendon Fibroblasts. Annuals of Biomedical Engineering, 36(12):1927-1933, 2008.
Almarza, A., Yang, G., Woo, S.L-Y., Nguyen, T., Abramowitch, S.: Positive Changes of Bone Marrow Derived Cells in Response to Culture on an Aligned Bioscaffold. Tissue Engineering, Part A, 14(9):1489-1495, 2008.
Karaoglu, S., Fisher, M., Woo, S.L-Y., Fu, Y-C., Liang, R., Abramowitch, S.D.: Use of a Bioscaffold to Improve Healing of a Patellar Tendon Defect After Graft harvest for ACL Reconstruction: A Study in Rabbits. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 26(2):255-263, 2008.
Gilbert, T.W., Stewart-Akers, A.M., Sydeski, J., Nguyen, T.D., Badylak, S.F., Woo, S.L-Y.: Gene Expression By Fibroblasts Seeded on Small Intestinal Submucosa and Subjected to Cyclic Stretching. Tissue Engineering, 13(6):1313-1323, 2007.
Zhang, X., Fisher, M.B., Woo, S.L-Y., Jiang, G., Abramowitch, S.D.: The Assumption of a Negligible Preload on the Determination of Viscoelastic Properties Based on the Quasi-linear Viscoelastic (QLV) Theory. 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, Beijing, China, pp. 1645-1648, 2007.
Vercillo, F., Noorani, S., Dede, O., Woo, S.L-Y.: Determination of a Safe Range of Knee Flexion Angles for Fixation of Grafts in Double Bundle ACL Reconstruction: A Human Cadaveric Study. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 35(9):1513-1520, 2007.
Giffin, J.R., Stabile, K.J., Zantop, T., Vogrin, T.M., Woo, S.L-Y., Harner, C.D.: Importance of Tibial Slope for Stability of the PCL Deficient Knee. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 35(9):1443-1449, 2007.
Gilbert, T.W., Sacks, M.S., Grashow, J.S., Woo, S.L-Y., Badylak, S.F., Chancellor, M.B.: Fiber Kinematics of Small Intestinal Submucosa Under Biaxial and Uniaxial Stretch. J. of Biomechanical Engineering, 128(6):890-898, 2006.
Moon, D.K., Abramowitch, S.D., Woo, S.L-Y.: The Development and Validation of a Charge Coupled Device Laser Reflectance System to Measure the Complex Cross-Sectional Shape and Area of Soft Tissues. J. of Biomechanics, 39(16):3071-3075, 2006.
Pfaeffle, H.J., Fisher, K.J., Srinivasa, A., Manson, T., Woo, S.L-Y., Tomaino M.: A Model of Stress and Strain in the Interosseous Ligament of the Forearm: Based on a Fiber Network Theory. J. of Biomechanical Engineering, 128(5):725-732, 2006.
Darcy, S.P., Kilger, R.H.P., Woo, S.L-Y., Debski, R.E.: Estimation of ACL Forces by Reproducing Kinematics Between Sets of Knees: A Novel Non-Invasive Methodology. J. of Biomechanics, 39(13):2371-2377, 2006.
Moore, S., Thomas, M., Woo, S.L-Y., Gabriel, M., Kilger, R., Debski, R.: A Novel Methodology to Reproduce Previously Recorded Six-Degree of Freedom Kinematics on the Same Diarthrodial Joint. J. of Biomechanics, 39(10):1914-1923, 2006
Kilger, H.P., Stehle, J., Fisk, J.A., Thomas, M., Miura, K. Woo, S.L-Y.: Anatomic Double Bundle Reconstruction after Valgus High Tibial Osteotomy: A Biomechanical Study. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 34(6):961-967, 2006.
Hsu WH, Fisk JA, Yamamoto Y, Debski RE, and Woo S.L-Y. Differences in Torsional Joint Stiffness of the Knee Between Genders: A Human Cadaveric Study. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2006;34(5):765-70.
Yamamoto Y, Hsu WH, Fisk JA, VanScyoc AH, Miura K, Woo S.L-Y. The Effect of the Iliotibial Band on Knee Biomechanics in Response to Rotatory Loads. J. of Orthopaedic Research 2006;24(5):967-73.
Woo S.L-Y., Takakura Y, Liang R, Jia F, Moon D. Treatment with Bioscaffold Enhances Fibril Morphology and the Collagen Composition of Healing Medial Collateral Ligament in Rabbits. Tissue Engineering, Jan 2006; 12:159-166.
Woo S.L-Y, Abramowitch SD, Kilger R, and Liang R. Biomechanics of knee ligaments: injury, healing, and repair. J. Biomechanics, 2006; 39: 1-20.
Moon D, Takakura Y, Gabriel M, Abramowitch S, Woo S.L-Y. The Effects of Refreezing on the Viscoelastic and Tensile Properties of Ligaments. J. of Biomechanics, 2006; 39(6):1153-7
Miura K, Brinkley R, Noorani S, Fu YC, Woo S.L-Y. Effects of Knee Flexion Angles for Graft Fixation on Its Force Distribution in Double Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 2006; 34(4):577-585.
Jia F, Shimomura T, Niyibizi C, Woo SL-Y. Downregulation of Human Type III Collagen Gene Expression by Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotide. Tisse Engineering, Volume 11, Number 9/10: 1429-1435, 2005.
Moalli. P., Howden, N., Navarro, J., Debes, K., Abramowitch, S., and Woo, Savio L-Y.: A Rat Model to Study the Structural Properties of the Vagina and its Supportive Tissues. Am. J. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 192(1):80-88, 2005
Kilger, R., Thomas, M., Hanford, S., Alaseirlis, D., Pässler, H., and Woo, S.L-Y.: The Effectiveness of Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Using the Novel Knot/Pressfit Technique: A Cadaveric Study. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 33(6): 856-863, 2005
Margherinti, F., Rihn, J.A., Mauro, C.S., Stabile, K.J., Woo, S.L-Y., Harner, C.D. Biomechanics of Initial Tibial Fixation in Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Arthroscopy, 21(10): 1164-1171, 2005.
Gabriel, M., Wong, E., Yagi, M., Debski, R., Fu, F.H., and Woo, S.L-Y.: Distribution of In Situ Forces in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament in Response to Rotatory Loads. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 22:85-89, 2004.
Musahl, V., Abramowitch, S., Gilbert, T., Tsuda, E., Wang, J.H-C., and Woo, S.L-Y.: The Use of Porcine Small Intestinal Submucosa to Enhance the Healing of the Medial Collateral Ligament - A Functional Tissue Engineering Study in Rabbits. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 22:214-220, 2004.
Song, Y., Debski, R., Musahl, V., Thomas, M., and Woo, S.L-Y.: A Three Dimensional Finite Element Model of the Human Anterior Cruciate Ligament: A Computational Analysis with Experimental Validation. J. of Biomechanics, 37:383-390, 2004.
Giffin, J.R., Vogrin, T., Zantop, T., Woo, S.L-Y., and Harner, C.: Effects of Increasing Tibial Slope on the Biomechanics of the Knee. Am. J. of Sports Medicine 2001 Aircast Basic Science Award. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 32:376-388, 2004.
Li, Z., Yang, G., Khan, M., Stone, D., Woo, S.L-Y., and Wang, J.H-C.: Inflammatory Response of Human Tendon Fibroblasts to Cyclic Mechanical Stretching. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 32:435-440, 2004.
Abramowitch, S., Woo, S.L-Y., Clineff, T., and Debski, R.: An Evaluation of the Quasi-linear Viscoelastic Properties of the Healing Medial Collateral Ligament in a Goat Model. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 32:329-335, 2004.
Abramowitch, S., Woo, S.L-Y.: An Improved Method to Analyze the Stress Relaxation of Ligaments Following a Finite Ramp Time Based on the Quasi-Linear Viscoelastic Theory. J. of Biomechanical Engineering, 126(1):92-97, 2004.
Margheritini, F., Mauro, C., Rihn, J., Stabile, K., Woo, S.L-Y., Harner, C.: Biomechanical Comparison of Tibial Inlay versus Transtibial Techniques for Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 32(3):587-593, 2004.
Watanabe, Y., Van Scyoc, A., Tsuda, E., Debski, R., and Woo, S.L-Y.: Biomechanical Function of the Posterior Horn of the Medial Meniscus: A Human Cadaveric Study. The J. of Orthopaedic Science, 9(3):280-284, 2004.
Yamamoto, Y., Hsu, W-H., Woo, S.L-Y., Van Scyoc, A., Takakura, Y., and Debski, R.: Knee Stability and Graft Function Following ACL Reconstruction: A comparison of a Lateral and an Anatomic Femoral Tunnel Placement. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 32(8):1825-1832, 2004.
Wang, J.H-C., Jia, F., Gilbert, T. and Woo, S.L-Y.: Cell Orientation Determines the Alignment of Cell Produced Collagenous Matrix. J. of Biomechanics, 36(1):97-102, 2003.
Debski, R.E., Fenwick, J.A., Vangura, A., Fu, F.H., Woo, S.L-Y. and Rodosky, M.: Effect of Distal Clavicle Resection and Acromioplasty on Acromioclavicular Joint Mechanics. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 406:89-96, 2003.
Chandler, J., Stabile, K., Pfaeffle, H.J., Li, Z-M., Woo, S.L-Y., Tomaino, M.: Anatomic Parameters for Planning of Interosseous Ligament Reconstruction Using Computer Assisted Techniques. Journal of Hand Surgery, 28(1):111-116, 2003.
Musahl, V., Burkart, A., Debski, R.E., Van Scyoc, A., McMahon, P.J., Fu, F.H., and Woo, S.L-Y.: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tunnel Placement: Comparison of Insertion Site Anatomy to the Guidelines of a Computer Assisted Surgical System. J. of Arthroscopic and Related Research, 19(2):154-160, 2003.
Loh, C., Fukuda, Y., Tsuda, E., Steadman, R., Fu, F., and Woo, S.L-Y.: Knee Stability and Graft Function Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Comparison between 11 O’Clock and 10 O’Clock Femoral Tunnel Placement. Arthroscopy Association of North America 2002 Richard O’Connor Award. J. of Arthroscopic and Related Research, 19(3):297-304, 2003.
Musahl, V., Abramowitch, S., Gabriel, M., Debski, R., Hertel, P., Fu, F.H., and Woo, S.L-Y.: Tensile Properties of an ACL Graft after Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Press-Fit Fixation. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 11(2):68-74, 2003.
Abramowitch, S.D., Papageorgiou, C.D., Withrow, J.D., Gilbert, T.W., and Woo, S.L-Y.: The Effect of Initial Graft Tension on the Biomechanical Properties of a Healing ACL Replacement Graft: A Study in Goats. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 21(4):708-715, 2003.
Abramowitch, S.D., Papageorgiou, C., Debski, R., Clineff, T., and Woo, S.L-Y.: A Biomechanical and Histological Evaluation of the Structure and Function of the Healing Medial Collateral Ligament in a Goat Model. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 11(3):155-162, 2003.
Wang, J.H-C., Jia, F., Yang, G., Yang, S., Campbell, B., Stone, D., and Woo, S.L-Y.: Cyclic Mechanical Stretching of Human Tendon Fibroblasts Increases the Production of Prostaglandin E2 and Levels of Cyclooxygenase Expression: A Novel In Vitro Model Study. Connective Tissue Research, 44:128-133, 2003.
Shimomura, T., Jia, F., Niyibizi, C., and Woo, S.L-Y.: Antisense Oligonucleotides Reduce Synthesis of Procollagen _1 (V) Chain in Human Patellar Tendon Fibroblasts: Potential Application in Healing Ligaments and Tendons. Connective Tissue Research, 44:167-172, 2003.
Fukuda, Y., Woo, S.L-Y., Loh, J., Tsuda, E., Tang, P., McMahon, P., and Debski, R.: A Quantitative Analysis of Valgus Torque on the ACL: A Human Cadaveric Study. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 21:1107-1112, 2003.
Abramowitch, S., Yagi, M., Tsuda, E., and Woo, S.L-Y.: The Healing Medial Collateral Ligament Following a Combined Anterior Cruciate and Medial Collateral Ligament Injury - A Biomechanical Study in a Goat Model. J. of Orthopaedic Research, 21:1124-1130, 2003.
Burkart, A., Debski, R., Musahl, V., McMahon, P., Woo, S.L-Y.: Biomechanical Tests for Type II Slap Lesions of the Shoulder Joint before and after Arthroscopic Repair [German]. Der Orthopade, 32(7):600-7, 2003.
Li, Z-M., Pfaeffle, J., Sotereanos, D., Goitz, R., and Woo, S.L-Y.: Multi-directional Strength and Force Envelope of the Index Finger. Clinical Biomechanics, 18:908-915, 2003.
Ma, B., Kanamori, A., Vogrin, T., Woo, S.L-Y., and Harner, C.: The Measurement of Posterior Tibial Translation in the Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructed Knee - The Significance of the Shift in the Reference Position. Am. J. of Sports Medicine, 31:843-848, 2003.
Selected Book Chapters:
Woo, S.L-Y., Farraro, K.F., Flowers, J.R., Chen, C.: Measuring In Vivo Joint Motion and Ligament Function - New Developments in Sports Injuries - Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation, Second Edition. Eds. M.N. Doral and J. Karlsson, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Chapter 3, pp. 21-31, 2015.
Tei, M.M., Farraro, K.F., Woo, S.L-Y.: Ligament and Tendon Enthesis: Anatomy and Mechanics in Structural Interfaces and Attachments in Biology. Eds. Thomopoulos, Birman, and Genin, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, Chapter 4, pp. 69-89, 2013.
Speziali, A., Farraro, K.F., Kim, K.E., Woo, S.L-Y.: Biological and Mechanical Augmentation for Healing of Ligaments and Tendons in 97th National Meeting SIOT 2012 Proceedings, Rome, Italy, 38(2):26-30, 2012.
Cerulli, G., Woo, S.L-Y., Lamontagne, M., Brue, S., Vercillo, F., Zamarra, G., Caraffa, A.: The True Story of the Original ŇAll-InsideÓ Technique for Biological ACL Reconstruction: Chapter 2 - Scientific Background - Biological Rationale - Biomechanical Rationale in J. of Orthopedics, 3(2):87-92, 2011.
Woo, S.L-Y., Jung, H-J., Fisher, M.B.: Biomechanical Variation of Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Sports Injuries - Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation. Ed. M.N. Doral, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 355-361, 2012.
Woo, S.L-Y., Kim, K.E,: Orthopaedic Research in the Year 2020 in Sports Injuries - Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation. Ed. M.N. Doral, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 1209-1215, 2012.
Woo, S.L-Y., Rothrauff, B.B., Scarbrough, N.A.: Current Concepts on Ligament and Tendon Healing and Regeneration. XXXI FIMS Sports Medicine World Congress Proceedings, San Juan, Puerto Rico, pp. 33-39, 2010.
Hsu, S-L., Liang, R., Woo, S.L-Y.: Functional Tissue Engineering of Ligament Healing in Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology. Ed. K.M. Chan, 2:12, 2010.
Woo, S.L-Y., Liang, R., Fisher, M.B.: Future of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine and Soft Tissue Healing: The Important Role of Engineering in Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 2(3):448-461, 2009.
Brinker, M.R., O'Connor, D.P., Almekinders, L.C., Best, T.M., Buckwalter, J.A., Garrett, Jr., W.E., Kirkendall, D.T., Mow, V.C., Woo, S.L-Y.: Section A. Physiology of Injury to Musculoskeletal Structures in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: Principles and Practice, Third Edition. Eds. DeLee, Drez and Miller, Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Chapter 1(A1-Muscle and Tendon Injury), pp. 3-31, 2009.
Chapter 1(A2-Ligamentous Injury), pp. 32-39, 2009.
Chapter 1(A3-Articular Cartilage Injury), pp. 40-55, 2009.
Chapter 1(A4-Meniscus Injury), pp. 56-64, 2009.
Chapter 1(A5-Bone Injury), pp. 65-85, 2009.
Jung, H-J., Fisher, M.B., Woo, S.L-Y.: Role of Biomechanics in the Understanding of Normal, Injured, and Healing Ligaments and Tendons in Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology. Ed. K.M. Chan, 1:9, 2009.