G. Bard Ermentrout
University Professor of Computational Biology
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Thackeray 502
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
PHONE: 412 624 8324
FAX: 412 624 8397
EMAIL: phase_at_pitt.edu
Ph.D., Biophysics, University of Chicago
See Canvas for Class information. I am teaching 1370 (Comp Neuroscience) TH4-5:15 Spring 2023
XPPaut 8.0 Now Here - click the picture below
Links to Other Pages I Wrote
Some pictures from my dynamical systems software
- Invariant torus:
This is a picture from XPPAUT which allows you to explore dynamical
systems. The figure shows a the behavior of two weakly coupled linear
oscillators and is colored according to the magnitudes of the vector
- Waves in a model of the thalamus
This shows a pair of annihilating waves in a one-dimensional continuum
model of a network of neurons that are coupled by inhibition. It was
created by XTC.
Problems downloading
I hope these have been fixed!
A number of people have reported difficulty downloading from the main
XPP site. This is due to security in our site. It will not allow ftps
from computers that are not on the internet nameserver database. You
can try to download from your University's main computer or try to get
the software from the following site (not the latest) The alternate CNBC site
Old class notes
The pictures shown here represent spontaneous activity in a model of
visual cortex due to the actions of hallucinogenic drugs. Each figure
is formed by solving equations for the two-dimensional cortical sheet
and then projecting them to retinal (eye) coordinates so that their
visual representation can be show.
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