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Dr. Richard Culp-Robinson

Director, University of Fort Hare MBA Program;
Regional Representative, Public Administration Service

richard@fhigas.co.za or culprobn@iafrica.com



Background and Experience:

Dr. Culp-Robinson has a doctorate in International Organization and Leadership from the University of San Francisco.  He has a twenty-year background in economic development with people excluded from mainstream and formal opportunities, and his experience extends to a university-based management and leadership consultant, trainer, and researcher both in the United States and the Third World.

Dr. Culp-Robinson was born and raised in the Congo (DRC) and is fluent in French.

Present Endeavors:

  • Public Administration Service; Regional Representative for South Africa, Francophone Africa and the Southern African Development Council countries

  • University of Fort Hare; Director of the Master of Business Administration Program

  • University of San Francisco; part-time faculty of School of Education and its Center for International Study, Work & Culture

  • Has been resident in and working from South Africa since 1997

Following a 15-month U.S. government funded Fulbright Fellowship as Senior Research Fellow at the University of Fort Hare, Dr. Culp-Robinson was requested to continue his association with Fort Hare University and the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.

University of Fort Hare Activities:

At the University of Fort Hare, Dr. Culp-Robinson is responsible for creating a development oriented business school providing education, training, research and consulting focused on key economic sectors of manufacturing, agri-business, financial markets and tourism.  This includes redesigning the Master of Business Administration program to create business leaders and managers who can compete globally and develop Africa’s economies.  Key components of this curriculum include:

  • Personal and leadership development

  • Enterprise development in viable sectors

  • Globally competitive export and enterprise development

  • Skills development


As a consultant, Dr. Culp-Robinson provides human capital development services, including training, research, and consulting in economic development, leadership, management, marketing and disability equity.  He has had more than twenty years of experience teaching and consulting in the business management field.

He has continued to provide capacity building and skills transfer through his consulting firm, Human Capital Resources, and works with prominent NGO’s such as Disabled People South Africa and the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA) through participatory consulting, training and research with end-users and beneficiaries.


phone: (202) 546-5880e-mail: postmaster@pasdc.org