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The Services We Provide

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SERVICE provides governments, boards, commissions, and associated enterprises with assistance in the following areas:

Organization and Management

PAS was established to provide as its basic mission consulting and technical assistance to public and quasi-public organizations in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of public services.  Over the years it has focused on problems of organization and management; and such issues as inter-jurisdictional or interagency relationships, policy planning and development, organizational structure, establishing operational policies and procedures, communications, coordination and supervision, budgeting, and human resources development.  PAS believes that effective management is the key to the success of any institution, regardless of size or mission.  Developing appropriate methods for improving efficiency and effectiveness is an essential element of an improvement program, requiring an understanding of management systems, manpower planning, and organizational analysis. The numerous management audits and other projects successfully conducted by PAS involving management issues and problems in which its acquired institutional skills have been applied are testimony to the effectiveness of PAS' management consulting services. PAS has frequently provided specialists to participate in project preparation, identification, and appraisal missions of the World Bank, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the U.N. Development Program, and other entities of the United Nations family.

Human Resources Management

For over 60 years PAS has assisted with a very wide range of human resources management improvement programs in the United States and throughout the world.  Domestically, PAS projects have included undertakings for numerous federal agencies of the United States; for more than two-thirds of the American states; and for hundreds of counties, municipalities, special districts, and other public and quasi-public authorities.

Work in developing countries has included projects in numerous countries of the Caribbean and Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

Overseas and domestic projects include important elements in the field of human resource administration, including civil service reform, service delivery performance standards and related compensation, position classification and compensation systems, computerization and staffing studies, and training.  PAS' record of accomplishment extends to the successful design and installation of human resource management systems.

Human Resource Development and Training

Any human resource development and/or training strategy or plan should have as its primary objective the development of the capability of the client country to assume and maintain responsibility for updating its development program and conducting appropriate training activities.  The training process should be integrated into existing networks and the clients suitably prepared to adapt to new issues and problems which arise after the consultant team's departure.  PAS assures this by maintaining a close working relationship with client institutions early in the project so that ongoing training may be systematically reviewed and adapted to meet the changing needs and priorities of the client.

In all international projects PAS provides both formal training and on the job training.  As a part of on the job-training program, PAS asks clients to identify and assign sufficient counterparts for the projects. These counterparts work closely with consultants and become an organizational resource.

Implementation Services and Assistance

Too many projects with good intentions result in a series of reports and associated recommendations with a final outcome that does not result in an action plan that is useful for implementation of project goals and objectives.  PAS is noted for its ability to provide implementation assistance, training and installation of report recommendations, and systems and procedures resulting in client utilization of consulting products and outputs.

PAS not only develops an implementation action plan but also provides services to carry out the plan ranging from project management of contractors/vendors or employees, through total “turn key services” in which we strengthen organizations, implement the plan, train local personnel to take over operations, and monitor their progress.  PAS carries out implementation services in many diverse functional areas and jurisdictions such as local governments, public works and utilities, information and communications systems, organizational development, law enforcement, and financial systems.

Planning and Budgeting Systems

PAS has demonstrated institutional capability in all aspects of planning and sectoral analyses ranging from central or national planning to departmental and jurisdictional planning.

In many nations at various levels of development, PAS has prepared broad-based, well organized planning systems to facilitate the understanding of the economy, stimulate it, and sustain or control growth.  An important aspect of any planning system is its capacity for effective implementation. Close attention is given to the following points early in the design of PAS planning systems:

  • Valid assessments of existing and project sectoral conditions and how they relate to the planning system.

  • Compatibility of developmental and social objectives with national goals.

  • Adaptability of planning/implementation processes with existing governmental structures.

In addition, PAS has developed budgeting systems and program control procedures for local, state, and federal governments and agencies.  Automated project accounting systems have also been installed in local governments, and systems to establish budgetary priorities have been put in place in governments at all levels both in the United States and internationally.

Management Information Systems and Automation Planning

Information systems studies and plans encompass review of existing computer hardware, software, communications, and related technology and making recommendations for improving systems to facilitate achieving the corporate goals of the organization.

Financial Analysis, Administration and Management

The use of government resources in response to perceived or real societal and institutional needs is effectively monitored and controlled through the use of modern, accepted financial methods and techniques.  PAS has a demonstrated institutional capability in providing technical assistance for improving the capacity of government departments and agencies to handle effectively the financial management functions for which they are responsible. 

Over the years, PAS has developed and installed numerous financial management systems in various international and domestic government agencies.  Specific services provided have extended to the examination and assessment of such financial operations as general accounting, auditing, cost accounting, cashiering, taxation, billing, payroll, purchasing and stores, and other related activities.

Water and Wastewater

In the 1950's, PAS completed its first project involving organization and management consulting services for water and wastewater facilities in developing countries.  Services typically provided over the years in the water and wastewater field have included comprehensive studies of the organization and management of national, regional, and municipal government utilities, systems development, and implementation of study recommendations.  Projects have included the following components: developing and installing improved administrative and management systems and procedures; providing technical assistance in developing and installing computer-based management information systems; improving overall operations; establishing manpower development and utilization programs, assessing training needs, conducting training programs; and developing and installing financial and business systems; privatization, and private sector participation in the provision of services.

Public Works Management

PAS has been widely engaged in providing assistance to governments in the management of public works, both domestically and internationally for many years and, as a result, PAS has developed considerable expertise in the management of public water, sewerage, and highway services.  Institutional and staff experience have been consolidated into a capability for providing responsible assistance in the solution of problems ranging from the establishment of basic organizational and administrative arrangements to management of construction and maintenance activities, often accompanied by the design and implementation of progress monitoring systems.

Procurement and Materials Management Systems Enhancement

Public Administration Service has carried out procurement, materials management, and purchasing studies as part of overall organization and management studies, financial systems studies, and as separate studies.  These studies have been carried out for local government clients and enterprise activities in the United States, for governments internationally at all levels, and in privatized organizations.

Project Monitoring and Reporting Systems

PAS has been involved in assisting developing countries in the design and implementation of project monitoring systems.  This assistance has been extended to all governmental levels including national agencies, line operating agencies, state enterprises, and local units of government.

Privatization and Divestiture Analysis

In recent years, it has been demonstrated that in many cases it is more cost effective and efficient for governments to focus on providing health, welfare, and safety services while encouraging the private sector to deliver other services.  PAS has a systematic approach for assisting governments in deciding whether to privatize, determining which form would be most beneficial in their circumstance, and in managing and monitoring the privatization process. PAS has been associated with the Center for Privatization in Washington, D.C., and has worked in numerous countries to privatize organizations and institutions such as:

  • Highway and construction corporations

  • Development banks

  • Land development authorities

  • Harbor authorities

  • Airlines

  • Mortgage banks

  • Trust estates

  • Shipping corporations

  • Storage/warehousing corporations

  • Water and sewerage authorities

  • Smallholder organizations

  • Cooperatives

  • Stock exchanges



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