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Dr. Louis A. Picard

Public Administration Service
703-734-8970 ext. 3025



Ph.D., political science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1977;
M.A., political science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1970;
B.A., history, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1965


Research Areas

Africa, Eastern and Southern African politics, development management and local level politics, human resource development and manpower planning, political constraints on rural development strategies, politics of rural development, transition in South Africa.


Selected Publications
  1. Policy Reform for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean, Editor (with Michele Garrity)  (Amsterdam: IOC Press, 1996).
  2. Policy Reform for Sustainable Development in Africa: The Institutional Imperative, Louis A. Picard and Michele Garrity, eds. (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1994). 183 pp.
  3. Capacite Institutionelle en Matiere de Changement et de Soutien des Politiques Publiques: Lecons de L'experience Africaine Le Cas des Pays D'expression Francaise, Louis A. Picard, Rapportuer General (editor) (Bruxelles: Institut International des Sciences Administratives, 1993).
  4. (with Edmond Keller), Editor, South Africa in Southern Africa: Domestic Change and International Conflict (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1989), 261 pages.
  5. Series Editor, Development Management Series (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1985-1988) Series of five books on aspects of Development Management and Public Policy.
  6. Editor, Sub-National Politics in the 1980's: Organization, Reorganization and Economic Development (with Raphael Zariski) (New York: Praeger, 1986).


Consultancies and Public Service
  • U.S. Agency for International Development
  • American Society of Public Administration
  • Ford Foundation
  • Inter-American Development Bank
  • African Studies Association
  • Economic Development Institute
  • United Nations Development Programme
  • World Bank
  • Government of Botswana
  • Government of South Africa


Other Faculty and Academic Administrative Positions
  • Associate Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Visiting Research Scholar, University of South Africa
  • Visiting Research Scholar, University of Witwatersrand
  • Visiting Research Scholar, University of Dares Salaam
  • Director, USAID Technical Cooperation Project, NASPAA, Washington, DC



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