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Theodore Sitkoff

Former President, Public Administration Service




M.G.A.; Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Fels Institute of Local and State Government, 1955
B.S., Economics; Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1953
Specialized training courses in data processing technology and systems analysis and design

  • President; Public Administration Service, 1964 - 2002
  • Financial Director; Federal Land Development Authority, Government of Malaysia and UN Executive Corps 1970 - 1972
  • Director of Accounts; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Governor's Office of Administration, 1961 - 1964
  • Comptroller; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public Welfare, 1959 - 1961
  • Accountant; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1955 - 1958
  • Administrative Intern; City of Philadelphia, 1954 - 1955
Consultancies and Public Service:

Partial List of International Projects

  • Malaysia: Supervised two projects for the Institutional Strengthening of the Central Bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara); Directed a IBRD program that provided technical assistance in management and program development necessary to establish the National Agricultural Bank (Bank Pertanian); Technical assistance and consulting services was provided to the Malaysia International Shipping Corporation (MISC); Development of a computer-based agricultural credit system for oil, palm, and rubber smallholders for the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA); numerous other studies and consultancies
  • China: Participated as the organization and management consultant for two World Bank preappraisal missions for the Agriculture Support Services Project (ASSP) with the Ministry of Agriculture, People's Republic of China
  • Ecuador: Review of the operation systems of the National Development Bank (Banco Nacional De Fomento) and preparation of a plan of action for their improvement
  • Ethiopia: Review of the organization and management of the City of Addis Ababa, and implementation of resulting recommendations for improvement of municipal services
  • Ghana: Provided headquarters supervision to the Local Government Sector Rehabilitation Project; Evaluation of the Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation (GWSC) for possible decentralization of services; Assistance in the implementation of a program of improvement of the financial administration of GWSC, as part of a reorganization study
  • Indonesia: For the FAO-World Bank Cooperative Program, served as management advisor for the preparation of the Integrated Pest Management project; Assistance in the financial administration of the North Sumatra smallholder rubber project
  • Iran: A study of the credit organization, policy, and capital requirements for the Dez Irrigation Project (in collaboration with the Development and Resources Corporation)
  • Nepal: Served as institutional specialist in the FAO/CP review of a proposed World Bank agricultural research project for the National Agricultural Research Council (NARC)
  • Nicaragua: Technical assistance in the area of accounting and financial administration to the Government of Nicaragua for the development and installation of county-wide financial management systems
  • Papua New Guinea: Reviewed and analyzed administrative and programmatic problems in the supervised agricultural credit program administered by the PNG Development Bank and the Department of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries, and the development of a detailed program for improvement of smallholder credit services
  • Sri Lanka: For the FAO-World Bank, served as Chief of Party conducting an analysis leading to the restructuring of the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (MASL)

Partial List of Domestic (United States) Projects

  • Conceptual design, development, and installation of computer-based Management Information Systems for: Department of Education, State of Maryland; Mankato State College, Minnesota; City of Greenwich, Connecticut
  • Data processing, usage, feasibility, and equipment configuration studies for: State of Pennsylvania; State of West Virginia; City of Shreveport, Louisiana; City of Greenwich, Connecticut; Woodbridge Township, New Jersey
  • Development of improved purchasing and related systems and procedures for: City of Miami Beach, Florida; City of Wilmington, Delaware; State of New Jersey
  • General Organizational and Management Studies for: City of Battle Creek, Michigan; City of Durham, North Carolina; City of Portsmouth, Virginia; State of West Virginia

phone: (202) 546-5880e-mail: postmaster@pasdc.org