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Investment Banking Assistance to Egypt's Privatization Program

Completed 5/31/99
Senior Staff involved: Howard Edwards, Headquarters Supervisor

PAS provided investment banking technical assistance to accelerate Egypt's Privatization Program for six months. Egypt's Privatization Program has been characterized by progress mixed with challenges that in turn inhibit domestic and foreign investment. The Privatization Program of Egypt was done in the past using "IPO methods" (simply selling shares in the stock market), which had in fact hindered the development of the capital market and slowed the pace of privatization. The anchor/strategic investments approach was seen as the best method to increase competitiveness and efficiency of privatized firms. In providing investment banking technical assistance, PAS pursued the following activities:

1. Assisted the Government of Egypt with appropriate privatization strategies, valuations, and methodologies readily recognized in the international community.

2. Reviewed and improved the quality of the privatization selling document, which includes informational memos, prospectuses, brochures, advertising materials, and related manuals.

3. Prepared the model type contracts for the alternative privatization methodologies, through anchor strategic sales document, management contracts and/or leasing agreements, concessional agreements, and management buyouts. Conducted monthly seminars and workshops on the above topics.

4. Provided support needed in order to identify potential investors including scheduling, planning, and conducting research, and information campaign for potential strategic investors.


Provincial Cities Master Plan Project

Technical assistance and consultant services provided in the development, management, and implementation of the provincial cities infrastructure development project for improving delivery of basic local government services in the cities of Fayoum, Bene Suef, and Minia.  Services included development of both water and sewer master plans for each city.



phone: (202) 546-5880e-mail: postmaster@pasdc.org