Local Government and Decentralization
Completed 2/97
Senior Staff involved: David Jickling, Project Supervisor
UNDP sought
to encourage the transference of greater administrative responsibility to
local governments Equatorial Guinea. PAS provided an assessment for UNDP
which evaluated local public administrative efficacy and offered strategies
for future development.
finances, personnel, and managerial functions were examined with a focus on
evaluating local-central government relations and determining the
availability of human resources and training needs . Malabo, the republic's
capital, and four other smaller municipal units were visited in order to
investigate how the needs of local government could better be met. PAS
recommended methods of increasing local revenue, constructing local credit
systems, establishing workshops and seminars to better train municipal
employees, and expanding contacts with international municipal associations.
The report concludes with a proposed structure for a future UN local
development program that would entail collaboration between selected NGOs
and local authorities.