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Management Study

PAS provided advice and technical assistance to the Mombasa and Coastal Water Supplies in the areas of general management, finance, and personnel management.  The specialists evaluated the existing management structure of the organization, and formulated and implemented recommendations for its improvement.  Assistance in this area comprised improvements in the organizational structure, the personnel classification and compensation plans, and in the programs for manpower development and training.  The direction, control, and delegation of authority from the Headquarters of the Water Department and the Ministry of Agriculture were examined, and the operating relationship with the Mombasa Pipeline Board was analyzed.

In the area of financial administration, the existing accounting and revenue collection systems, cash flow, cutoffs, reconnections, billing periods, debts, and costing systems were reviewed and assessed.  A revised utility accounting system and accompanying manual was prepared, and the specialists evaluated and formulated recommendations regarding the development and financing of the organization.  The purchasing and inventory systems were also examined.


phone: (202) 546-5880e-mail: postmaster@pasdc.org