Management Studies and Advisory Roles
and Management Study of Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC):
PAS conducted a study of the management, administration, and operating
structure of the Corporation, supported by appropriate policies and
practices which together would strengthen management and ensure more
efficient execution and supervision of the design program of services. PAS
carried out a program of institutional and human resources development. The
PAS team developed modern and updated class and compensation plan.
Assistance: Provided an advisor to
the Financial/ Commercial Manager of the Liberia Water and Sewer
Corporation; responsible for development and installation of business
systems for LWSC.
Study: Responsible for three major
areas of service to the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation: (1) studies
required for the preparation of a comprehensive management improvement
program; (2) provision of qualified managers for the Corporation's key
operating departments; and (3) design and conduct of in-service training
programs for all other managerial staff of the Corporation.