Al-Khodari Establishment
conducted an organization and management and position classification study
of the Abdullah A.M. Al-Khodari Establishment, a company with 7,000
employees, which carries out such diverse services as:
- Water
and wastewater facility construction
- Water
and wastewater treatment administration
- City
cleaning (refuse collection, street cleaning, landfills, etc.)
Operation and maintenance of roadway systems
Operation and maintenance of local airports
- Land
Manufacture of metal structures/truck bodies
- Road
- Building
Landscaping and irrigation works
Several new ventures were planned and, in order to carry out existing and
new corporate functions effectively, efficiently, and profitably, a revised
organizational structure and assignment of positions was desired by the
company. The study encompassed overall and detailed organizational design,
strategic planning, preparation of job descriptions and the placement of
positions in a classification plan, broad policy and procedure development
to facilitate goal/objective accomplishment, and organizational development
to assist in implementing study recommendations.
PAS conducted a detailed
functional analysis of the company's water and wastewater construction and
contact administration activities program and ancillary services. The
emphasis in this study was on the organization, staffing, personnel,
equipment, methods and procedures used, and the support services of
equipment management, camp management, and headquarters services. PAS
studied the existing program, projects, and new initiatives; analyzed the
strengths and weaknesses of the program; and made recommendations for