Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Eighth Quadrennial Fellows Conference
July 11-13, 2016
Monday, July 11
9:00 Register
9:30 Opening (Room C116)
10:00-12:30 Parallel Session 1
PS1 |
Room A127
Chair: Paul Hoyningen-Huene |
Room A233
Chair: Howard Sankey |
Room C213
Chair: Dennis Lehmkuhl |
Room C337
Chair: Philip Ehrlich |
10:00 |
Janet Kourany
A Role for Science in Public Policy? The Obstacles, Illustrated by the Case of Breast Cancer |
Gereon Wolters
On Having the Last Word: Epistemological and Normative Considerations |
Ori Belkind
On Newtonian Induction |
James Weatherall
Some New Work on Equations of Motion |
10:50 |
Pierluigi Barrotta
On the Relationships Between Science and Democratic Societies. A Pragmatist Perspective |
Giovanni Camardi
Information as a Property |
Raphael Scholl
Unwarranted Assumptions: The neglect of the vera causa principle |
László E. Szabó
Empirical Definitions of Spatiotemporal Conceptions |
11:40 |
Gürol Irzik
Public Trust in Science |
Mael Pegny
AFCAL: the Evolution of an Association and the Emergence of Computer Science in France (1957-1967) |
Giora Hon
Maxwell’s Methodological Odyssey in Electromagnetism |
Gábor Hofer-Szabó
On the Meaning of Einstein's Criterion of Reality |
12:30 Lunch
2:00-4:30 Parallel Session 2
PS2 |
Room A127
Chair: Jan Wolenski |
Room A233
Chair: Melinda Fagan |
Room C213
Chair: Ulrich Majer |
Room C337
Chair: Karim Bschir |
2:00 |
Dan Nesher
Epistemic Logic: All Knowledge Is Based on Our Experience, and Epistemic Logic Is the Cognitive Representation of Our Experiential Confrontation in Reality |
Sara Green
On the Role of Physics in Biology |
Myrdene Anderson
Revisiting Peirce’s Notion of “Habit” |
Leah Henderson
Bringing Virtues Together |
2:50 |
Bryson Brown
Reasoning in a Pluralistic World View |
Leonardo Bich
Emergence and Complexity: an epistemological account |
Dimitri Ginev
Hermeneutic Realism and Hermeneutic Philosophy of Science |
Ioannis Votsis
Materiality Does Not Equal Lack of Generality |
3:40 |
Antonio Zilhao
Whither Rationality? |
Matthias Unterhuber
Two Types of Ceteris Paribus/Normalcy Conditions, as Exhibited by Biology and Other Sciences |
Wenceslao J. Gonzalez
Pragmatic Realism and Prediction in the Social Sciences: The Role of Complexity |
Tadeusz Szubka
Global Expressivism and Scientific Realism |
4:30 Break
5:00-6:40 Parallel Session 3
PS3 |
Room A127
Chair: Anjan Chakravartty |
Room A233
Chair: Marco Giovanelli |
Room C213
Chair: Brian Keeley |
Room C337
Chair: Samuel Schindler |
5:00 |
David J. Stump
Is there a Metaphysical Element in Science? The View from the Relative A Priori |
Joshua Rosaler
Reduction as an A Posteriori Relation |
Athanassios Raftopoulos
Reframing Cognitive Penetrability |
Melinda B. Fagan
Explanation and Collaboration |
5:50 |
Ken Waters
No General Structure
Chris Hill
The A Priori - A Defense |
Oron Shagrir
In Defense of a Semantic View of Computation |
Lilia Gurova
An Inferential Criterion for Goodness of Explanation |
6:40 Adjourn

Tuesday, July 12
9:00 - 11:00 Plenary Session 1
LUX Auditorium, C116 |
Chair: Malcolm Forster |
9:00-9:20 |
Drozdstoj St. Stoyanov
Non-conventional Approaches to Validation in Psychiatry: Meta-empirical Considerations |
9:25-9:45 |
Arto Siitonen
Eino Kaila’s Contribution to Finnish Philosophy |
9:50-10:10 |
Slobodan Perovic
Epistemic Efficiency in Big Physics Experiments |
10:10-10:40 |
Break |
10:40-11:00 |
Erik Curiel
Kinematics, Dynamics and the Structure of Physical Theory |
11:00 - 11:10 Break
11:10 - 12:45 Plenary Session 2
LUX Auditorium, C116 |
Chair: Ken Waters |
11:10-11:30 |
Wayne C. Myrvold
Context of Communication: What Philosophers Can Contribute |
11:35-11:55 |
Paul Hoyningen-Huene
Is Milton Friedman Really an Instrumentalist? |
12:00-12:20 |
Kyle Stanford
Uniformitarianism, the Maddy/Wilson Principle, and a Middle Path Forward in the Scientific Realism Debate |
12:25-12:45 |
Howard Sankey
A Dilemma for Scientific Realism |
12:45-1:30 Break
1:30-9:30 Excursion to Ven Click here for details.

Wednesday, July 13
9:00-10:40 Parallel Session 4
PS4 |
Room A127
Chair: Michael Bradie |
Room A233 VBE
Chair: Bengt Molander |
Room C213
Chair: Bryson Brown |
Room C337
Chair: Chris Hill |
9:00 |
Antigone M. Nounou
Model-based Scientific Understanding Without Explanation |
Sten Anttila, Johannes Persson, Niklas Vareman and Nils-Eric Sahlin
Quality of Evidence According to GRADE: Interpretations in Conflict |
Milos Arsenijevic
Truth and the Open Future: The Solution to Aristotle’s Sea-Battle Challenge with the Principle of Bivalence Retained |
Brian L. Keeley
A History of the Philosophical Brain |
9:50 |
Fred Kroon
Models, Fictions, and the Problem of the Gap |
Johannes Persson, Annika Wallin and Nils-Eric-Sahlin
Science and Proven Experience: a Conceptual Geography |
Jan Wolenski
Some Liar-like paradoxes |
Carrie Figdor
The Fallacy of the Homuncular Fallacy |
10:40-11:00 Break
11:00-1:30 Parallel Session 5
PS5 |
Room A127
Chair: Raphael Scholl |
Room A233 VBE
Chair: Johannes Persson |
Room C213
Chair: Jim Weatherall |
Room C337
Chair: Slobodan Perovic |
11:00 |
The Problem of Motion in General Relativity |
Bengt Molander
experience: knowing-in-action with a freedom to judge |
Anjan Chakravartty
Realist Representations of Particles: Causal vs. Formal |
Sherri Roush
The Epistemic Superiority of Experiment to Simulation |
11:50 |
Marco Giovanelli
“Physics is a Kind of
Metaphysics": Meyerson's Influence on Einstein's Late Metaphysical Realism |
Peter Machamer
Evidence for what? And Systematic Reviews |
Malcolm Forster
Causation: Can the Philosophical and Scientific Conceptions Be Unified? |
Karim Bschir
Predictions in Science and Predictions in the Philosophy of Science: A Discrepancy |
12:40 |
Nikolay Milkov
Theories of Concept Formation: Heinrich Rickert and the Logical Empiricists |
Jonathan Berg
What are the Data of Philosophical Thought Experiments? |
Carsten Held
Conditions and Causes |
Demetris Portides
How Idealization and Abstraction Could be Distinguished |
1:30-2:30 Lunch
2:30-4:10 Parallel Session 6
PS6 |
Room A127
Chair: Fred Kroon |
Room A233
Chair: Giovanni Camardi |
Room C213
Chair: Kyle Standford |
Room C337
Chair: Sara Green |
2:30 |
Michael Bradie
Models and Metaphors in Cultural Evolution |
Cailin O'Connor
Games and Kinds |
Dana Tulodziecki
The Zymotic Theory of Disease: Lessons for HPS |
James W. McAllister
Effortlessness in Science |
3:20 |
Susan Sterrett
The Use of Analogy in the Works of Darwin, Einstein, and Turing |
Marc Ereshefsky
Natural Kinds, Mind-Independence, and Defeasibility |
Andreas Blank
Sixteenth-Century Pharmacology and the Question of Emergence |
Samuel Schindler and Raphael Scholl
Historical Case Studies as Model Organisms |
4:10-4:30 Break
4:30-6:10 Parallel Session 7
PS7 |
Room A127
Chair: Maria Galavotti |
Room A233
Chair: Wayne Myrvold |
Room C213
Chair: Drozdstoj Stoyanov |
Room C337
Chair: Leah Henderson |
4:30 |
Paul Weirich
Risk as a Consequence |
Philip Ehrlich
Are Points (Necessarily) Unextended? |
Michael Stuart
Imagination in the Lab |
5:20 |
Miklos Redei
Having a Look at What a Bayesian Agent Cannot See (the Bayes Blind Spot) |
Jean-Pierre Marquis
Shifting Grounds: Why Should Philosophers Care About Higher-Dimensional Categories? |
Stavroula Tsinorema
Personal Identity and its Discontents: Dementia, Prospective Autonomy and the “Other Self Problem” |
Laura Perini
Art at the Heart of Science |
6:10 Adjourn
Program Committee:
Peter Machamer (co-chair)
Nils-Eric Sahlin (co-chair)
Trey Boone
Sara Green
John D. Norton
Johannes Persson