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Nancy J. Nersessian
Visiting Fellow
Technical University of Twente
Academic Year 1985-86

Georgia Institute of Technology

Here are some things I'd like to report for 2005-2006. 


Benjamin White Whitney Fellowship, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University 2005-2006

NEH Fellowship, 2005-2006

elected a Foreign Member, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2006


Nersessian, N.J.:  “Model-based reasoning in distributed cognitive systems,” Philosophy of Science, 72, vol.5, in press, 2006

----------: “The cognitive-cultural systems of the research laboratory,” Organization Studies, 27:125-145, 2006

----------:  “Conceptual change: Creativity, cognition, and culture,” in Models of Discovery and Creativity, J. Meheus and T. Nickles, eds. (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2006) pp.1-39

----------: “Interpreting scientific and engineering practices: Integrating the cognitive, social, and  cultural dimensions,” in Scientific and Technological Thinking, M. Gorman, R. Tweney, & D. Gooding, eds. (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005), pp.17-56

Osbeck, L. & Nersessian, N.J.: “The distribution of representation,” The Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 36:141-160, 2006.

Sun, Y, Newstetter W., & Nersessian, N.J.: “Promoting model-based reasoning in problem-based learning,” Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society 28, 2006.

Davies, J., Nersessian, N.J., & Goel, A. K.: “Visual models in analogical problem solving,” Foundations of Science, 10:133-152, 2005

Malone, K., Nersessian, N.J., & Newstetter, W.: “Gender writ small: Gender enactments in organization and knowledge transmission in a biomedical engineering laboratory,” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 11: 61-82, 2005

Dogan, F. & Nersessian, N.J.:  “Design problem solving with conceptual diagrams,” Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society, 27:600-605, 2005

Nersessian, N.J., Kurz-Milcke, E., & Davies, J.: “Ubiquitous computing in science and engineering research laboratories: A case study from biomedical engineering,” in In-Use Knowledge, G. Kouzelis, M. Pournari, M. Stšppler and V. Tselfes.G. Kuzoulis, eds. (Berlin: Peter Lang AK, 2005, pp. 167-195) 
Greek Translation inTopika, 10:203-237, 2005

Davies, J., Goel, A. K. & Nersessian, N. J.: “Transfer of problem-solving strategy using Cognitive Visual Language,” Proceedings of the Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing (VLC05), 2005

Davies, J., Goel, A. K., & Nersessian, N. J.:  “A cognitive model of visual analogical problem-solving transfer,” Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (short paper), 2005

Davies, J., Goel, A. K. & Nersessian, N. J.: “Transfer in visual case-based problem-solving. In H. Munoz-Avila & F. Ricci (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 163-176)

Guest Editor (with L. Magnani) Foundations of Science, special issue on Scientific Discovery: Visual, Analogical, and Simulative Modeling 10:2, 2005

Here are my highlights for the last year:

1) I was promoted to Regents' Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology
2) I participated in a workshop on Philosophy of Technology & Engineering Sciences in Eindhoven, the Netherlands
3) I gave a keynote address at EuroCogsci '07 in Delphi, Greece
4) Creating Scientific Concepts is in press at MIT and will be out late summer
5) I was elected to the Governing Board of PSA.

Nancy Nersessian has received a new $1M research grant from NSF to investigate the computational modeling practices of integrative systems biologists. She was elected a Fellow of the Cognitive Science Society and has a new book co-authored with her research group due out in 2010 with Cambridge U. Press, Science as Psychology: Sense Making and Identity in Science Practice, Lisa Osbeck (former Pitt. Fellow), Nancy J. Nersessian, Kareen Malone, Wendy Newstetter.

Nancy Nersessian received the inaugural Patrick Suppes Award in Philosophy of Science from the American Philosophical Society for her book Creating Scientific Concepts (MIT Press 2008). Her new book (co-authored with members of her research group, Lisa Osbeck (former Center Fellow), Nancy J. Nersessian, Kareen Malone, & Wendy Newstetter), Science and Psychology: Sense-Making and Identity in Science Practice, was published by Cambridge University Press.

2014 was a year of big changes. I "retired" from Georgia Tech in order to become a "free agent" and focus mainly on research. My plan is off to a good start with a position as Research Associate at Harvard University, as my base, enabling me to move back to my "hometown" of Boston (in time for the "historic" snowfall).

Publication highlights since my last update:

The book I co-authored with members of my research group (L. Osbeck, K. Malone, and W. Newstetter), Science as Psychology: Sense-making and Identity in Science Practice was awarded the William James Book Prize from the American Psychological Association.

Wagenknecht, S.,  Nersessian, N.J., & Andersen, H. (eds.): Empirical Philosophy of Science: Introducing Qualitative Methods Into the Philosophy of Science, Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology, and Rational Ethics Series (NY: Springer, 2015)

Chandrasekharan, S. & Nersessian, N.J.: “Building cognition: The construction of computational representations for scientific discovery,” Cognitive Science, on-line 12/14; in press 2015.

MacLeod, M. & Nersessian, N.J.: “Building simulations from the ground up: Modeling and theory in systems biology,” Philosophy of Science 80: 533-556, 2013.

MacLeod, M. & Nersessian, N.J.: “Coupling simulation and experiment: The bimodal strategy in integrative systems biology,” Studies in the History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44: 572-584, 2013


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