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University of Pittsburgh Judo I



Japanese kanji for judo or "the gentle way".

Your grade in this class will be based on attendance, participation and several quizzes. The class will meet each Tuesday or Tuesday and Thursday, depending on the section, of the semester unless otherwise specified by Mr. Kim. After two absences, your grade will be affected. You can make up class time with equal time spent during the other University of Pittsburgh judo or jujutsu classes taught by Mr. Kim or by attending a class at his private club. During this class you will learn about the history of judo, class etiquette, how to fall safely and approximately twenty judo techniques. If you are injured and cannot participate, you should come to observe or else you will be marked as absent. For injuries lasting multiple weeks, please provide a note from your doctor and attend class.

During the first several weeks, you will not have a judogi (uniform). Until the judogi arrive, please come to class dressed in comfortable clothes appropriate for a physical activity. These first weeks will focus on body movement (tai sabaki) and breakfalls (ukemi). This training is essential to judo as you must learn to move your body appropriately and fall safely before you begin throwing or are thrown.

Quizzes are tentatively scheduled for 2/15/2005, 3/22/2005 and 4/19/2005 and each will be cumulative.

Revised 01/11/2005
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