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The University of Pittsburgh's Jonas Salk Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary is a recognition branch of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH). NRHH is a firm believer in recognition within the residence halls. The best way to accomplish this is through a NRHH chapter. All NRHH chapters are restricted in membership to a 1% of the total resident student population.

NRHH works to bring students, the Resident Student Association (RSA), Residential Directors (RDs), and Resident Assistants (RAs) together as a team. If everyone works together, there will be caring leaders dedicated to participating in the variety of activities held in both the residence halls and in the community.

The Symbol

The symbol for NRHH is that of a diamond surrounding the letters of the organization, and the three interconnected lines, the chain of leadership. The diamond, the world's most precious gem, signifies the value and beauty one finds in the residence halls experience.

The first link of the chain represents caring. Leaders are people who care. They are concerned about themselves and others, and are committed to making things better.

The second link signifies dedication. Part of a leader's commitment is the dedication to cause which they display. Dedication is an important part of the involvement required to be truly effective.

The third link represents participation. True leaders participate fully in their academic pursuits, their friendships, their activities, and their lives. Leaders don't sit on the sidelines, but are competent team players.

Together the unbroken chain symbolizes the membership of NRHH. As leaders we are interconnected as caring and dedicated participants in the community of your university.

Upcoming Events

February is the month of the Lothrop Challenge. Click here for more information and rules.

Want to help?

Some Senatorial positions still open in the residence halls and more helping hands are always welcome! Talk to your Resident Director if you have questions.