Current News
09/26/22: Alysia's review in collaboration with the Ruthstein Group is accepted in Biophysical Reviews. The title is "The Use of EPR Spectroscopy to Study Transcription Mechanisms". Congrats!
09/24/22: The Saxena Lab invites lab alumni to celebrate Sunil's 20 years at Pitt. We had a wonderful day of research talks, career exploration, networking, and social events!
08/24/22: Xiaowei's paper in collaboration with the Hernandez-Sanchez group, "Synthesis of Square Planar Cu4 Clusters", is accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie. Congrats!
08/12/22: Kevin's review on dHis dynamics is accepted for publication in Analysis and Sensing. The authors also include Hannah, Tim, and Sharon. This paper is titled "Measurement of protein dynamics from site-directed Cu(II)-labeling". Congrats!
07/26/22: Kevin, Zikri, Xiaowei, Josh, and Alysia attend the Rocky Mountain Conference in Copper Mountain, Colorado. Kevin, Zikri, Xiaowei, and Josh each give oral presentations, and everyone in the group gives poster presentations. Hard work paid off as Xiaowei won a poster award!
07/13/22: Kevin successfully defends his thesis! Congratulations, Dr. Singewald! Kevin will be joining the Millhauser Lab at UCSC as a postdoctoral fellow in early September.
06/29/22: Andrew passes his preliminary exam! Congrats!
05/30/22: Niko joins our lab before his first year of grad school as a summer student. Welcome!
05/21/22: Kevin, Jimmy, and Zikri's paper, "Beyond structure: Deciphering site-specific dynamics in proteins from double histidine based EPR measurements", is accepted for publication in Protein Science. Congrats!
05/10/22: Xiaowei, Zikri, and Hannah's paper is accepted for publication in PCCP. The paper is titled "An optimal acquisition scheme for Q-band EPR distance measurements using Cu(II)-based protein labels". Congrats to all!
03/29/22: Alysia and Kevin's paper in collaboration with the Ruthstein group, "Allostery-driven changes in dynamics regulate the activation of bacterial CueR copper transcription factor", is accepted in Protein Science. Congratulations!
02/07/22: Julia joins our lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome!
02/07/22: Andrew joins our lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
01/16/22: Josh, Alysia, and Shreya's paper in collaboration with the Ruthstein group, "Cu(II)-based DNA labeling identifies the structural link between activation and termination in a metalloregulator", is accepted in Chem. Sci. Congrats on another first author publication, Josh!
01/11/22: Kevin's paper in collaboration with the Pei Tang lab, "Structures of highly flexible intracellular domain of human α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor", is accepted in Nature Communications! Congratulations, Kevin!
11/12/21: Alysia passes her Comprehensive Exam. Congratulations!
11/01/21: Shreya's paper in collaboration with the Dutt group, "Nanoscale spin detection of copper ions using double electron-electron resonance at room temperature" is accepted in Phys. Rev. B.
10/08/21: Kevin and Jimmy's paper, "Copper based site-directed labeling of proteins for use in pulsed and continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance", is accepted in Bio-Protocols. Congratulations on your first paper, Jimmy, and great work to both of you!
09/30/21: Sunil's paper in collaboration with many EPR spectroscopists, "Benchmark test and guidelines for DEER/PELDOR experiments on nitroxide-labeled biomolecules", is accepted in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Great work, Prof. Saxena!
09/01/21: Hannah joins our lab as a postbac researcher. Welcome!
05/10/21: Josh and Alysia's paper, "dHis-troying barriers: Deuteration provides a pathway to increase sensitivity and accessible distances for Cu(II) labels", is accepted in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. Congratulations on your first-author paper, Josh!
05/03/21: Zikri and Kevin's paper in collaboration with the Driesschaert group is accepted in J. Phys. Chem. B., and it is titled "Cleavage-resistant Protein Labeling with Hydrophilic Trityl Enables Distance Measurements In-Cells". Congratulations on your first-author paper, Zikri!
03/08/21: Jimmy is awarded the 2021 Wass Summer Fellowship. Congratulations!
02/04/21: Jimmy joins our lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome!
01/15/21: Austin, Xiaowei, Kevin, and Shreya's review on copper(II) labeling, "Going the dHis-tance: Site-directed Cu(II) labeling of proteins and nucleic acids", is accepted in Acc. Chem. Res. Congratulations, all!
11/19/20: Austin successfully defends his thesis! Congratulations, Dr. Gamble Jarvi! Austin has accepted a position as a Field Service Engineer with Agilent Technologies.
11/02/20: Josh passes his Comprehensive Examination. Congratulations!
10/14/20: Shreya, Josh, Xiaowei, and Charu's paper in collaboration with the Wang group is directly accepted in PCCP. The paper is titled "Orientation and dynamics of Cu(II) based DNA label from force field parameterized MD elucidates the relationship between EPR distance constraints and DNA backbone distances".
10/07/20: Austin and Josh's paper "Buffer effects on site directed Cu(II)-labeling using the double histidine motif" is accepted in JMR. Congratulations on your first paper, Josh!
09/09/20: Kevin and Xiaowei's paper in collaboration with the Rule group "Double Histidine based EPR measurements at physiological temperatures permit site-specific elucidation of hidden dynamics in enzymes" is accepted in Angew. Chem.
08/19/20: Shreya successfully defends her thesis! Shreya will begin a post-doctoral fellowship at NIH this fall under Dr. G. Marius Clore. Congratulations, Dr. Ghosh!
08/11/20: Austin and Xiaowei's paper in collaboration with the Wang and Achim groups "Development of Cu(II)-Based Distance Methods and Force Field Parameters for the Determination of PNA Conformations and Dynamics by EPR and MD Simulations" is published in J. Phys. Chem. B.
03/17/20: Xiaowei, Shreya, and Austin's paper with the Wang group "Molecular dynamics simulations based on newly developed force field parameters for Cu(II) spin labels provide insights into double Histidine based Double Electron Electron Resonance" is accepted in J. Phys. Chem. B. Congratulations on your first paper, Xiaowei!
02/14/20: Shreya, Matt, Hanna, and Kevin's paper "Cu(II)-based distance measurements by pulsed EPR provide distance constraints for DNA backbone conformations in solution" is accepted in Nucleic Acids Research.
01/06/20: Alysia joins our lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
12/06/19: Zikri's paper with the Skrynnikov group "Structural and dynamic origins of ESR lineshapes in spin labeled proteins: the insights from spin dynamics simulations based on long MD trajectories" is accepted in Sci. Rep.
11/01/19: Xiaowei passes her Comprehensive Examination. Congratulations!
10/15/19: Josh receives the Safford Award! Congratulations!
09/16/19: Kevin's paper with the Tang group "19F paramagnetic relaxation based NMR for quaternary structural restraints of ion channels" is accepted in ACS. Chem. Bio.
08/09/19: Zikri receives the NIH predoctoral grant “Training in Molecular Biophysics and Structural Biology. Congratulations!
08/05/19: Austin's paper with the Rosi group "Designing Open Metal Sites in Metal–Organic Frameworks for Paraffin/Olefin Separations" is accepted in J. Am. Chem. Soc.
07/24/19: Sunil is invited to give a talk at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance. Austin and Shreya presented oral talk as well as poster.
07/14/19: Zikri passes his Comprehensive Examination. Congratulations!
06/05/19: Shreya's paper with Dr. Wagner "An Undergraduate Experiment To Explore Cu(II) Coordination Environment in Multihistidine Compounds through Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy" is accepted in J. Chem. Ed.
05/29/19: Matt's paper with the Horne group entitled "Understanding and controlling the metal-directed assembly of terpyridine-functionalized coiled-coil peptides" is accepted in Chem. Comm.
05/22/19: Austin's paper is selected as a featured outside cover and featured in the 2019 PCCP Hot Article themed collection.
05/06/19: Noah joins our lab as an undergraduate.
04/19/19: Charu wins the 2019 American Institute of Chemists Award. Congratulations!
04/19/19: Hanna wins the Mary Louise Theodore Award in Chemistry. Congratulations!
03/27/19: Kevin's paper with the Zhang group entitled "The effect of MnO2 of different structures on activation of peroxymonosulphate for bisphenol A degradation under acidic conditions" is accepted in Chem.Eng. J.
03/22/19: Shreya wins the second place in the 3 Minute Thesis competition at University of Pittsburgh (Natural Sciences Division of Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences)
03/01/19: Shreya receives the Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship for the academic year 2019-2020
02/07/19: Kevin's paper is highlighted as the journal cover of J. Magn. Reson.
02/04/19: Shreya's paper with the Ruthstein group was highlighted as the journal cover of Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed.
02/01/19: Austin's paper entitled "Efficient Localization of a Native Metal Ion Within a Protein by Cu2+-Based EPR Distance Measurements" is accepted in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
01/07/19: Josh joins our lab as a graduate student. Welcome Josh!
12/18/18: Shreya's paper, in collaboration with the Ruthstein group, entitled "EPR spectroscopy detects various active state conformations of the transcriptional regulator CueR" is accepted in Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed.
12/04/18: Kevin's paper entitled "Increasing Nitroxide Lifetime in Cells to Enable In-Cell Protein Structure and Dynamics Measurements by Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy" is accepted in . Magn. Reson.
11/29/18: Austin and Shreya's paper was highlighted as the journal cover of J. Phys. Chem. B
11/16/18: Hanna receives the Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry from ACS-SA. Congratulations!
11/14/18: Kevin passed his comprehensive examination. Congratulations!
10/29/18: Austin and Shreya's paper entitled "On the use of Q-band DEER to resolve relative orientations of two double-Histidine bound Cu2+-ions in a protein" is accepted in J. Phys. Chem. B
10/01/18: Austin's paper, in collaboration with the Millstone group, entitled "Evolution of Surface Copper(II) Environments in Cu2-xSe Na-noparticles" is accepted in Chemistry of Materials
09/27/18: We now have a 35 GHz (Q-band) magnet along with AWG. Exciting times!
08/23/18: Xiaowei receives the Dietrich Arts and Sciences Fellowship
08/23/18: Xiaowei also receives the Mary E. Warga Predoctoral Fellowship
08/15/18: Zikri joins our lab as a graduate student
08/07/18: Shreya's paper, in collaboration with the Jeschke group, entitled "Rotamer modelling of Cu(II) spin labels based on the double-Histidine motif" is accepted in Applied Magnetic Resonance
08/06/18: Shreya and Kevin's paper, in collaboration with the Damo group, entitled "Cu(II) EPR reveals two distinct binding sites and oligomerization of innate immune protein Calgranulin C" is accepted in Applied Magnetic Resonance
07/23/18: Shreya receives the Graduate Excellence Fellowship Award
06/25/18: Hanna joins our lab as an undergraduate
06/13/18: Shreya receives the Pittsburgh Quantum Institute scholarship
05/03/18: Austin's paper, in collaboration with the Rosi group, entitled "Programmable topology in new families of heterobimetallic metal-organic frameworks" is accepted in JACS
05/01/18: Charu joins our lab as an undergraduate
04/30/18: Yujie joins our lab as an undergraduate
03/19/18: We had 9th graders visit our lab through the NSF Outreach event