Ronald E. LaPorte, Ph.D.
- Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology in 1977, Masters degree in Epidemiology, 1981
- 505 publications in Epidemiology, Global Health, and Internet
- First Distinguished Teacher, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh 1989
- Lillienfeld Award, APHA for outstanding life time achievement in education
- Director, Disease Monitoring and Telecommunications, WHO Collaborating Center, Dept of Epidemiology
- Developer and PI of the WHO multinational Project for Childhood Diabetes, involving 155 centers in 70 countries
- 1994 Developer, Global Health Network
- Numerous funded national and international projects from NIH, and NASA
- Kelly West Diabetes Epidemiology Award from the American Diabetes Association
Faina Linkov, Ph.D.

- Ph.D. in Epidemiology in 2005, MPH Community and Behavioral Health Science, 2001, University of Pittsburgh, B.S. Psychology, 1999 with Certificate in Conceptual Foundations of Medicine
- Maternal and Child Course coordinator, Pennsylvania Governor School for Healthcare (Summer 2002, Summer 2003)
- Project Coordinator/Program Assistant at Magee Womancare International, Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC Health System, 1999-2001
- Research interests: cancer biomarkers, chronic disease epidemiology, Internet, and Maternal and Child Health
- 70 publications in Epidemiology, Public Health, and Internet
- Current Position: Research Assistant Professor, Department of OB/GYN and
Reproductive Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
Eugene Shubnikov, M.D.
- M.D. from Novosibirsk Medical Academy, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1985
- Research scientist for Laboratory of Epidemiology and Prevention of
chronic noncommunicable diseases, Institute of Internal Medicine,
Novosibirsk, Russia
- Member of the European Association for the study of Diabetes (from 1992)
- Responsible executor, WHO Multinational Project for Childhood Diabetes
(DIAMOND) (1990-1999)
- Research Fellow in Department of Epidemiology, University of
Pittsburgh (February-June, 2000)
- Supercourse coordinator of Internet prevention Program among Former
Soviet Union Countries
- Supercourse developer
Nicolas Padilla Raygoza, M.D.
- M.D. University Autonomous of Guadalajara and University National
Autonomous of Mexico(1984)
- Pediatrician by Mexican Council of Certification in Pediatrics (1986)
- Diploma in Methods of Clinical Research (2003), CoNaPeMe
- Diploma in Knowing EPIINFO 2003 (2004), CoNaPeMe and University of
- Diploma Postgraduate in Epidemiology, University of London (2005)
- Medical Coordinator of LatinAmerican Supercourse of Women's Health
(School of Nursing and Obstetrics, University of Guanajuato, Mexico
- Professor in Pediatrics, Statistics, Biostatistics and Epidemiology,
School of Nursing and Obstetrics of Celaya, University of Guanajuato,
- Member of Mexican Academy of Pediatrics (1998)
- Associate Member of American College of Epidemiology (2001)
Francois Sauer, M.D.
- M.D., University of Mexico, UNAM; MBA, Harvard Business School program
in Mexico City
- M.S. Systems Analysis, Spanish-American University,
Mexico City
- CEO Trans Am Group. Trustee of the Baker University Board. Board
member of the International Relations Council
- Prior to this, he was the CEO of Cerner International, which produces
IT products for health industry applications including presence in
Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and Europe. At
Transquest, Inc., he participated in an expansion strategy for the AT&T
joint venture with Delta Airlines. Before that, he was at AT&T's Global
Information Solution (old NCR)
- 1994 Developer, Global Health Network. Author of numerous publications
on health care, IT, telecom, and the options for their collaborative
Eric Marler, M.A., M.D., C.M., Dip. Med., F.A.C.P.
- Educated at McGill University (1949-1961). He worked for the IBM
Corporation from 1965 to 1993
- In 1993, he retired from IBM and became a consultant serving
international corporations active in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa
- He has authored and co-authored articles, theses, book chapters
and/or web sites in the history of science, internal medicine, physical
biochemistry, public health, botany, disaster preparedness, and a
variety of industry and corporate sectors
- He served as Trustee (1988-1993) and later Chairman of the Child
Health Foundation (1999-2002) and as a member of the Advisory Board of
the Japan Heritage Foundation. He is a Member of the Board of Directors
of the Metis Beach Community Association and served as a Member of the
Board of Directors of Volunteers in Technical Assistance (1990-1999). He
also served as Trustee of the International Center for Research on Women
(1980-90). He was Co-Chairman of the Disaster Communications
Preparedness Sub-Committee and Member of the International Disaster
Advisory Council of the U.S. Department of State, Agency for
International Development, chaired by Mrs. Marilyn Quayle (1990-92)
Mita Lovalekar, M.B.B.S., PhD, MPH
- M.B.B.S. from Seth G.S.Medical College and KEM
Hospital, Mumbai, India, 1998
- Ph.D. in Epidemiology in 2008, MPH in Epidemiology in 2003, University
of Pittsburgh.
- Research interest: Injury epidemiology, Application of the internet to dissemination of
Medical information, Maternal and child health, Chronic diseases epidemiology
- Current position: Assistant Professor in the Department of Sports Medicine
and Nutrition within the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences.
Dr. Walter W. Hays
During the past three decades with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and an NGO,
the Global Alliance for Disaster Reduction (GADR), Dr. Hays has provided leadership for
interdisciplinary research on disasters, post-disaster studies, and the implementation of
disaster-prevention measures.
During this time, he contributed to the UN’s International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, UNESCO’s
PAMERAR AND RELEMR programmes, and the former UNDRO’s SEISMED programme. The latter two programmes
brought all of the countries adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea together for a common purpose—capacity
building for earthquake risk reduction.
He contributed to post-earthquake studies and policy development following notable earthquakes such as the 1980
El Asnam, Algeria, 1988 Spitak, Armenia, 1995 Kobe, Japan, the 1999 Kochelli, Turkey, and the 2011 Tohoku, Japan
Ali Ardalan M.D., MPH, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Department Chair at the Department of Disaster &
Emergency Health of Iran’s National Institute of Health Research and Department
of Disaster Public Health of School of Public Health, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, I.R.Iran
Field of expertise: Disaster epidemiology
Developer and director of several Just-in-Time (JIT) Supercourse disaster
lectures about Bam earthquake, Asian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina & Rita, Pakistan
earthquake, etc.
Eman Eltahlawy, MD
Eman Mahmoud Eltahlawy, M.D., received her MBCH in medicine and
general surgery and her Doctoral degree of public health and
social and community medicine from the Medical School of Cairo
University. Her current position in National Research Center is
Assistant professor of Public Health and Community Medicine
Dr. Eltahlawy has designed many health surveys, implemented
health research projects and analyzed data. Her research
projects have included public health problems and their effect
on health. She has been instrumental in the development of the
Library of Alexandria Supercourse help desk. She has experience
in many of the proposed areas of the WHO EMRO strategic plan,
including maternal and child health, health systems,
communicable, non-communicable diseases, conflict, and smoking
and could help add the research dimension.
Dr Eltahlawy was worked for WHO office in Egypt form Date from
October 2010 up to February 2011 her Job scope was : National
Representative Officer (Global Adult Tobacco Survey GATS)
Dr Eltahlawy was worked as Health Cluster Coordinator in Libyan
Egyptian Border from February2011-June 2011 as her work
DR Eltahlawy worked with Prof Dr Ronald E. LaPorte, Director,
Disease Monitoring and Telecommunications ,WHO Collaborating
Center, Professor of Epidemiology University of Pittsburgh from
August 2012 until now in Super help desk from it beginning as an
idea until we formulate it as WHO EMRO BA Super Help desk with
complete help and support.
Shalkar Adambekov, MSc
MSc Biotechnology
Researcher in Department of Bioengineering, Cell Technologies, and Cell Therapy
PE "Center for Life Sciences"
JSC "Nazarbayev University"
Address: 53 Kabanbay batyr ave., Astana, 010000, Republic of
Kawkab Shishani, Ph.D.
- Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh in 2003
- Associate professor of Community Health Nursing
- 20 publications in smoking cessation, NCD prevention, and global health
- Invited to co-author chapter books: 1) Quantitative Methods (Chapter
8). Nursing Research: The International Council of Nurses Perspective
(2009), 2)Global Cardiovascular Health (Chapter 43). Cardiac Nursing
(6th ed) (2009), and 3) Nursing Interventions in Tobacco-Dependent
Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases (Chapter 12). Annual Review of
Nursing Research "Advancing Nursing Science in Tobacco Control" (2009)
- Well established record in translating research into practice,
community activities, and international activities
- Serves as editor of Saudi Medical Journal, Applied Nursing Research,
McMaster PLUS/PIER/EB Journals, International Nursing review
- Consultant for the Jordanian National Council for Family Affairs (NCFA)
- Recipient of World Bank Volunteer Service Award in 2002
- Nominated for: Research Dissemination Award, Sigma Theta Tau 2009,
Sasakawa Award "WHO" 2007, King Abdullah-II Creativity Award 2007
- Serve as the coordinator for
Nursing Supercourse
Apryl Eshelman, CFRE
Apryl Eshelman, CFRE, is the Director of Development at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. In her role as Director of Development,
she raises support for scholarships, projects, capital needs and endowments for the school.
In addition to reaching out to alumni, foundations and corporations, she stewards individuals
who have a particular interest in the various chronic diseases and other health issues that
faculty at the school work to alleviate.
Prior to joining the University of Pittsburgh, Ms. Eshelman raised support for The Nature
Conservancy’s global conservation projects. She was a commercial wholesale banker for
twenty years, beginning her career with JP Morgan Chase in New York City. She has also
worked as a wholesale commercial banker in Europe and, most recently, in Pittsburgh.
Ms. Eshelman has served on numerous boards of directors throughout her career, providing
leadership and philanthropic support. She is a member of AFP and CASE.
Ms. Eshelman is a native of Western Pennsylvania and a graduate of The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania.
Sunita Dodani, M.D., Ph.D, M.S., FCPS
- Ph.D. in Epidemiology, 2006
- Global Health certified Aug 2003- July 2005
- Masters in Clinical epidemiology 2000-2002
- M.D. 1987- 1996
- Developer SAHPA ( South Asian Health Preventionists Association ) 2004
- Developer Pakistani Supercourse 2003
- Rosen Kranz award of best presentation on Dean's day April 2004
- National Gold Medal Award of best youngest researcher of Pakistan 2000
- Aga Khan Foundation scholarship award 2001
Abdullatif S. Husseini Ph.D., MPH, M.S.

Currently an Associate Professor of Public Health at
the College of Arts and Sciences- Qatar University
· Associate Professor of Public Health and
Ex-director- Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University-
· Ph.D. in Epidemiology, College of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway,
· M.P.H., College of Medicine, University of Wales, UK, 1995
· M.S. (Life Sciences), Department of Life Sciences, Indiana State
University, USA, 1990
· Research interests: Epidemiology of non-communicable diseases and
their risk factors (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity, tobacco
Dr. Husseini taught various courses at the
postgraduate and the undergraduate levels including: classical epidemiology,
advanced epidemiology, research methods, and introduction to public health among
other courses. He also conducts training courses for health professionals, and
advocates the application of research in teaching, policy and practice.
Andrey I. Trufanov, Ph.D.
- Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, 1980, M.S. in Radiation Physics, 1973, St.
Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 100 publications in Radiation Physics, Computer Simulation and
Information Security
- Numerous funded contracts with leading Russian ITT and Space Corporations
- Professor, Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia, since 1995
- Award of the Ministry of Education, Russian Federation, 2001
- Director, Information Policy Center, Irkutsk State Technical
University, Irkutsk, Russia, 2001-2003
- Member, Editorial Board, Russian National Journal "Security of
Information Technologies", Moscow, Russia, since 1997
- Research Fellow: School of Law, University of Zaragoza, September,
2003; School of Information Sciences , University of Pittsburgh,
February-June, 2000; National Research Center for Computers and Law,
University of Oslo, February-April, 1998
- European LEFIS Nework("Legal Framework for the Information Society")
collaborator, since 2003
Thomas J. Songer, M.Sc., Ph.D.
- Assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology in the Graduate
School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh
- Secondary appointment in the Department of Neurosurgery, School of
Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
- Adjunct appointment in the Department of Engineering and Public
Policy, Carnegie-Mellon University
- Research interests in the areas of diabetes, injuries and health
economics. He has completed projects addressing the socio-economics
impact of diabetes and the motor vehicle crash risks associated with
medical conditions
- Currently working on projects to identify the medical cost related to
child abuse and the role of health insurance in diabetes health care
- Five years experience in using internet to teach classes in chronic
disease and injury epidemiology ( and
- Former Member, Armed Forces Epidemiology Board Committee for Injuries
Meredith G. Hennon, MPH
(secondary member)
- MPH, Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh, 2010.
- Research Specialist, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Epidemiology
Julia Choubnikova, M.S.
(secondary member)
- Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia (M.Sc.1987)
- 1987-1993 Engineer, Institute of computer systems, Novosibirsk, Russia
- From 1993 Research Scientist for Center of Endocrinology "Sibdiab"
- Technical consultant for the Supercourse project
EunRyoung Sa, M.S.
(secondary member)
- MS. Health Education, Ewha Woman's Univ., Seoul, Korea, 1994
- MS. Information Science and Telecommunication Technology, Ajou
University, Seoul, Korea, 1998
- Researcher. Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, Seoul,
Korea: Health and Medical Reform in Korea/ Information System and
Telemedicine in Medical and Public Health Area and the health policy,
- Researcher. Ajou University, School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea:
Telemedicine System for Home-care Nursing, 1997-1998
- Researcher. Heidelberg University, School of Medicine, Heidelberg,
Germany: The Quality of Health Information on the Internet/ The Impact
of Using the Internet for Health & Patient Education, 1999
- Current Position: Ph.D. Student of Epidemiology in the University of
Beatriz Rico Verdin, M.D., M.Sc.
(secondary member)
- M.D. from the National University of Mexico, 1988
- Specialization in Epidemiology from the Mexican Institute of the
Social Security, 1995
- Master Degree in Medical Informatics from the Erasmus University of
Rotterdam, 1999
- Epidemiologist of the Mexican Institute of the Social Security,
- Assistant professor in graduate courses in the Mexican Institute of
the Social Security, 1996-1998
- 6 publications in epidemiological topics related to diabetes mellitus
and chronic gastritis
- Ph.D. student of Epidemiology from 1999 in the University of Pittsburgh
Benjamin Acosta, M.D.
(secondary member)
- M.D. from the National University of Mexico, 1990
- Specialization in Epidemiology from the Mexican Institute of the
Social Security, 1995
- Head of the Department of Design and Analysis of Epidemiological
Studies, Ministry of Health, Mexico 1996
- Ph.D. student of Epidemiology from 1996 in the University of Pittsburgh
Akira Sekikawa M.D., Ph.D., Ph.D.
(secondary member)
- Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public
Health, University of Pittsburgh
- Fellow, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, American Heart
- Ph.D. in Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, 1999
- MPH in Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh, 1996
- Ph.D. in Medical Science, Yamagata University, Japan, 1991
- M.D., School of Medicine, Tohoku University, Japan, 1983
- Research interest: Epidemiology of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and
- Principal Investigator of American Heart Association funded research
project (2001-2002)
- University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute Scientific Award, 2001
- Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Award, 1991
- Former resource person for the WorldBank
Deborah J. Aaron, Ph.D., M.S.I.S.
Deborah J. Aaron
Born: June 13, 1956 Brookville, Pa.
Died: Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Jianshi (Jesse) Huang, M.D., M.H.PE, MPH, MBA