slide shows the relative importance of the various risks and causes of
cancer. It is based on a study of cancer mortality in the United States in
1981. Various adjustments have been attempted since then, but they are minor
and the overall pattern remains the same and is important in setting cancer
control priorities.
It is clear that most of cancer, between 2/3 to 3/4, is potentially
preventable. Since comparatively less is known about diet, tobacco control
is the major target for cancer prevention programs. In countries like India,
50% of cancer is oral cancer of which 90% is associated with chewing of
tobacco in various forms aggravated by smoking. In North America, in
contrast, lung cancer makes up 25% of cancer, and 80 to 90% is associated
with smoking. Another factor important to prevention initiatives in some
countries is HBV infection which leads to primary liver cancer in
Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia. Contamination of foods by aflatoxins
also contributes. Although alcohol contributes to cancer in the West,
primary liver cancer is uncommon.
These figures show that cancer is a lifestyle disease. The combination of
tobacco use, a high fat and low vegetable diet, and no exercise would appear
to be the right combination of risk factors for both cardiovascular diseases
as well as cancer - especially lung, colorectal and breast cancers!