Arceo-Gomez, G. and T-L. Ashman. 2014. Local co-flowering community diversity influences pollen receipt, female reproductive success and mediates selection on flower longevity in Mimulus guttatus. American Naturalist 183(2): E50-E63.
Dalton, R.M., M.H. Koski, and T.-L. Ashman. 2013. Maternal sex effects and inbreeding depression under varied environmental conditions in gynodioecious Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata. Annals of Botany 112(3):613-21.
Spigler, R.B. and T-L. Ashman. 2011. Sex ratio and subdioecy in Fragaria virginiana: the roles of plasticity and gene flow examined. New Phytologist 190(4):158-168.
Shulaev, V.D.J. Sargent, R.N. Crowhurst, T.C. Mockler, O. Folkerts, A.L. Delcher, P. Jaiswal, K. Mockaitis, A. Liston, S.P. Mane, P. Burns, T.M. Davis, J.P. Slovin, N. Bassil, R.P. Hellens, C. Evans, T. Harkins, C. Kodira, B. Desany, O.R. Crasta, R.V. Jensen, A.C. Allan, T.P. Michael, J.C. Setubal, J-M. Celton, D.J.G. Rees, K.P. Williams, S.H. Holt, J.J. Ruiz Rojas, M. Chatterjee, B. Liu, H. Silva, L. Meisel, A. Adato, S. Filichkin, M. Troggio, R. Viola, T-L. Ashman, H. Wang, P. Dharmawardhana, J. Elser, R. Raja, H.D. Priest, D.W. Bryant Jr., S.E. Fox, S.A. Givan, L.J. Wilhelm, S. Naithani, A. Christoffels, D.Y. Salama, J. Carter, E. Lopez Girona, A. Zdepski, W. Wang, R.A. Kerstetter, W. Schwab, S.S. Korban, J. Davik, A. Monfort, B. Denoyes-Rothan, P. Arus, R. Mittler, B. Flinn, A. Aharoni, J.L. Bennetzen, S.L. Salzberg, A.W. Dickerman, R. Velasco, M. Borodovsky, R.E. Veilleux, and K.M. Folta. 2011. The genome of woodland strawberry, Fragaria vesca. Nature Genetics 43:109-116 doi:10.1038/ng. 740 (Featured on the cover)
Collin, C.L., and T-L Ashman. 2010. Root fungi in wild strawberry: root colonization depends on host inbreeding. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:477-490.
Steets, J.A., and T-L. Ashman. 2010. Maternal effects of herbivory in Impatiens capensis. International Journal of Plant Sciences 171(5):509-518.
Spigler, R.B., K.S. Lewers, A. Johnson, and T-L. Ashman. 2010. Comparative mapping reveals autosomal origin of sex chromosome in octoploid Fragaria virginiana. Special Feature on Sex and Recombination Journal of Heredity 101(S1):107-117.
Alonso, C.J. Vamosi, T.M. Knight, J.A. Steets, and T-L. Ashman. 2010. Is reproduction of endemic plant species particularly pollen limited in biodiversity hotspots? Oikos 119:1192-1200.
Bishop E., Spigler, R.B., and T-L. Ashman. 2010 Sex-allocation plasticity in hermaphrodites of sexually dimorphic Fragaria virginiana (Rosaceae). Botany 88:231-240.
Rohde, A.S., and T-L. Ashman. 2010. The effects of florivory and inbreeding on reproduction in hermaphrodites of the wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana. International Journal of Plant Sciences 171(2): 175-184.
Case, A.L., and T-L. Ashman. 2009. Resources and pollinators contribute to population sex ratio bias and pollen limitation in gynodioecious wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana). Oikos 118:1250-1260.
Brogan, W.R., Hale, A.N., Heckel, C.D., Hua, J., Montesinos, A., Rohde, A.S., Shaffery, H.M., Stoler, A.B., Wolfe, M., Ashman, T-L., and W.P. Carson. 2009. Positive Interactions and Interdependence in Plant Communities. Book review The Plant Bulletin 55(3):125-126.
Burd, M., T-L. Ashman, D.R. Campbell, M.R. Dudash, M.O. Johnston, T.M. Knight, S.J. Mazer, R.J. Mitchell, J.A. Steets, and J.C. Vamosi. 2009. Ovule number per flower in a world of unpredictable pollination. American Journal of Botany 96:1159-1167.
Ashman, T-L. 2009. Sniffing out patterns of sexual dimorphism in floral scent. Invited & peer reviewed article for Special Feature on Floral Scent. Functional Ecology 23:852-862.
Majetic, C.J., R. Raguso, and T-L. Ashman. 2009. Sources of floral scent variation: can environment define floral scent phenotype? Plant Signaling and Behavior 4(2):129-131.
Botham, R., C.L. Collin, and T-L. Ashman. 2009. Plant-mycorrhizal fungal interactions affect inbreeding depression in wild strawberry. International Journal of Botany 170(2):143-150.
Majetic, C.J., R. Raguso, and T-L. Ashman. 2009. The sweet smell of success: Floral scent affects pollinator attraction and seed fitness in Hesperis matronalis (Brassicaceae). Functional Ecology 3:480-487. (awarded the 'Haldane Prize 2009' by the BES)
Penet, L., C.L. Collin, and T-L. Ashman. 2009. Florivory increases selfing: an experimental study in the wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana. Plant Biology 11:38-45.
Magetic, C.J., R. Raguso, and T-L. Ashman. 2008. Testing the biochemical constraint hypothesis for scent variation in Hesperis matronalis (Brassicaceae). Annals of Botany 102:911-922.
Spigler, R.B., K.S. Lewers, D. Main, and T-L. Ashman. 2008. Genetic mapping of sex determination in a wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana reveals earliest form of sex chromosome. Heredity 101:507-517 *subject of a news and view article--DOI:10.1038/hdy.2008.115) (Recommended by Faculty of 1000)
Quesada-Aguilar, A., S. Kalisz, and T-L. Ashman. 2008. Flower morphology and pollinator dynamics in Solanum carolinense L (Solanaceae): implications for the evolution of andromonoecy. American Journal of Botany 95:1-11.
Lewers, K.S., T-L. Ashman, J.F. Hancock, D. Main. 2008. Genetic Mapping with octoploid strawberry. Pp 83-86 In: Takeda, F., D.T. Handley, and E.B. Poling (eds.). Proc. 2007 N. American Strawberry Symposium. North American Strawberry Growers Association, Kemptville, ON Canada.
Mitchell, R.M. and T-L. Ashman. 2008. Predicting the evolutionary consequences of pollinator declines: the long and short of floral evolution. Invited Commentary for New Phytologist 177:576-579.
Steets, J.A., D.E. Wolf, J.R. Auld, and T-L. Ashman. 2007. The role of natural enemies in the expression and evolution of mixed mating in hermaphrodite plants and animals. Evolution 61(9):2043-2055
Case, A.L. and T-L. Ashman. 2007. An experimental test of the effects of resource and sex ratio on maternal fitness and phenotypic selection in gynodioecious Fragaria virginiana. Evolution 61(8):1900-1911
Steets, J.A., T.M. Knight, and T-L. Ashman. 2007. The interactive effects of herbivory and mixed mating for the population dynamics of Impatiens capensis. The American Naturalist 170(1):113-127.
Ashman, T-L., and L. Penet. 2007. Direct and indirect effects of a sex-biased antagonist on male and female fertility: consequences for reproductive trait evolution in a gender dimorphic plant. The American Naturalist 169(5):595-608.
Majetic, C.J., R.A. Raguso, S.J. Tonsor, and T-L. Ashman. 2007. Flower color-flower scent associations in polymorphic Hesperis matronalis (Brassicaceae). Phytochemistry 68:865-874.
Steets, J.A., J.L. Hamrick, and T-L. Ashman. 2006. The consequences of vegetative herbivory for the maintenance of intermediate outcrossing in an annual plant. Ecology 87(11):2717-2727.
Ashman, T-L., C.L. Collin, L. Penet. 2006. Sex, Plants and ESS. Invited book review Ecology 87:2406-2407
Ashman, T-L. 2006. The evolution of separate sexes: A focus on the ecological context. Pp 419-465 In "Ecology and Evolution of Flowers" L.D. Harder and S.C.H. Barrett(editors) Oxford University Press.
Delph, L.F. and T-L. Ashman. 2006. Trait selection in flowering plants: how does sexual selection contribute? Integrative and Comparative Biology 46(4):475-472.
Ashman, T-L., and C.J. Majetic. 2006. Genetic constraints on floral evolution: A review and evaluation of patterns. Heredity 96(5):343-352. *subject of a news and view
Steets, J.A., R. Salla, and T-L. Ashman.2006. Herbivory and competition interact to affect reproductive traits and mating system expression in Impatiens capensis. The American Naturalist 167(4):591-600.
Knight, T.M., J.A. Steets, and T-L. Ashman. 2006. A quantitative synthesis of pollen supplementation experiments highlights the contribution of resource reallocation to estimates of pollen limitation. American Journal of Botany 93(2):271-277.
Vamosi, J.C., T.M. Knight, J.A. Steets, S.J. Mazer, M. Burd, and T-L. Ashman. 2006. Pollination decays in biodiversity hotspots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103(4):956-961. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000)
Cole, D.H. and T-L. Ashman. 2005. Sexes show differential tolerance to splittlebug damage and consequences of damage for multi-species interactions. American Journal of Botany 92(10):1708-1713.
Ashman, T-L. 2005. The limits on sexual dimorphism in vegetative traits in a gynodioecious plant. The American Naturalist 166:S5-16.
Knight, T., J.A. Steets, J.C. Vamosi, S.J. Mazer, M. Burd, D.R. Campbell, M. Dudash, M.O. Johnston, R.J. Mitchell, and T-L. Ashman. 2005. Pollen limitation of plant reproduction: Pattern and Process. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 36:467-497.
Case, A.L. and T-L. Ashman. 2005. Sex-specific physiology and its implications for the cost of reproduction. Pages 126-154 In Reproductive Allocation in Plants. E.G. Reekie and F.A. Bazzaz (editors) Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Ashman, T-L., D.H. Cole, M. Bradburn, B. Blaney, and R.A. Raguso. 2005. Scent of a male: the role of floral volatiles in pollination of a gender dimorphic plant. Ecology 86(8):2099-2105.
Ashman, T-L., and E.A. King. 2005. Are flower-visiting ants mutualists or antagonists? A study in a gynodioecious wild strawberry. American Journal of Botany 92(5):891-895.
Ashman, T-L., T.M. Knight, J.A. Steets, P. Amarasekare, M. Burd, D.R. Campbell, M. Dudash, M.O. Johnston, S.J. Mazer, R.J. Mitchell, M.T. Morgan, and W. Wilson. 2004. Pollen limitation of plant reproduction: Ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences. Concepts and Synthesis Section Ecology 85:2408-2421.
Ashman, T-L., D.H. Cole, and M. Bradburn. 2004. Sex-differential resistance and tolerance to herbivory in a gynodioecious wild strawberry: Implications for floral and sexual system evolution. Ecology 85:2550-2559.
Steets, J.A., and T-L. Ashman. 2004. Herbivory alters the expression of a mixed-mating system. American Journal of Botany 91:1046-51.
Ashman, T-L., and M.T. Morgan. 2004. Explaining phenotypic selection on plant attractive characters: Male function, gender balance or ecological context? Proc. Royal Soc. London:B. 271:553-559. (Featured on the cover)
Bernasconi, G., T-L. Ashman, T.R. Birkhead, J.D.D. Bishop, U. Grossniklaus, E. Kubli, D.L. Marshall, B. Schmid, I. Skogsmyr, R.R. Snook, D. Taylor, I. Till-Bottraud, P.I. Ward, D. Zeh, B. Hellriegel. 2004. Evolutionary ecology of the prezygotic stage. Science 303:971-975.
Ashman, T-L. 2004. Flower longevity. pp 349-362 In Plant Cell Death Processes. L.D. Nooden (ed), Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, CA
Ashley, M.V., S.M.J.A., Wilk, N. Stynan, K.J., Craft, K.L. Jones, K.A. Feldheim, K. S. Lewers, and T-L. Ashman. 2003. High variability and disomic segregation of microsatellites in the octoploid Fragaria virginiana Mill. (Rosaceae). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107:1201-1207.
Ashman, T-L. 2003. Constraints on the evolution of males and sexual dimorphism: Field estimates of genetic architecture of reproductive traits in three populations of gynodioecious Fragaria virginiana. Evolution 57(9):2012-2025.
Morgan, M.T. and T-L. Ashman. 2003. Quantitative character evolution under complicated sexual systems, illustrated in gynodioecious Fragaria virginiana. The American Naturalist 162(2):257-264.
Ashman, T-L. 2002. The role of herbivores in the evolution of separate sexes from hermaphroditism. Ecology Concepts and Synthesis Section 83(5): 1175-1184.
Kalla, S.E. and T-L. Ashman. 2002. The effects of pollen competition on progeny vigor in Fragaria virginiana (Rosaceae) depend on progeny growth environment. International Journal of Plant Sciences 163(2):335-340.
Ashman, T-L. 2002. Quantitative genetics of reproductive traits in sexually dimorphic Fragaria virginiana: Preliminary analyses. In Strawberry Research to 2001. S.C. Hokanson and A.R. Jamieson (eds). ASHS Press. Alexandria VA Pages 25-28.
Ashman, T-L., and C. Diefenderfer. 2001. Sex ratio represents a unique context for selection on attractive traits: Consequences for the evolution of sexual dimorphism. The American Naturalist 157:334-347.
Ashman, T-L., J. Pacyna, C. Diefenderfer, and T. Leftwich. 2001. Size-dependent sex allocation in a gynodioecious wild strawberry: The effects of sex morph and inflorescence architecture. International Journal of Plant Sciences 162(2): 327-334.
Ashman, T-L. 2000. Pollinator selectivity and its implications for the evolution of dioecy and sexual dimorphism. Ecology 81:2577-2591.
Ashman, T-L., S. Shivitz, and J. Swetz. 2000. Understanding the basis of pollinator selectivity in sexually dimorphic Fragaria virginiana. Oikos 90:347-356.
Ashman, T-L. and M.S. Hitchens. 2000. Dissecting the causes of variation in intra-inflorescence allocation in a sexually polymorphic species, Fragaria virginiana. American Journal of Botany 87:197-204.
Ashman, T-L. 2000. A prescription for gender study in the next century. Invited Book Review. American Journal of Botany 87:147-149.
Ashman, T-L. 1999. Quantitative genetics of floral traits in a gynodioecious wild strawberry Fragaria virginiana: implications for the independent evolution of female and hermaphrodite floral phenotypes. Heredity 83:731-741.
Ashman, T-L. 1999. Determinants of sex allocation in a gynodioecious wild strawberry: implications for the evolution of dioecy and sexual dimorphism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 12:648-661.
Ashman, T-L. 1998. Are relative pollen production and removal good predictors of relative male fitness? An experimental exploration with wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana). American Journal of Botany 85:1166-1171.
Ashman, T-L. and D.J. Schoen. 1997. The cost of floral longevity in Clarkia tembloriensis: an experimental investigation. Evolutionary Ecology 11:289-300.
Ashman, T-L. and D.J. Schoen. 1996. Floral longevity: fitness consequences and resource costs. pp 112-139 In S.C.H. Barrett and D.G. Lloyd (eds), Floral Biology. Chapman and Hall, New York.
Schoen, D.J. and T-L. Ashman. 1995. The evolution of floral longevity: a resource allocation to maintenance versus construction of repeated structures in modular organisms. Evolution 49:131-139.
Ashman, T-L. and D.J. Schoen. 1994. How long should flowers live? Nature 371:788-791. (Featured on the cover)
Ashman, T-L. 1994. A dynamic perspective on the cost of reproduction in plants. The American Naturalist 144:300-316.
Ashman, T-L. 1994. Reproductive allocation in hermaphrodites and females of Sidalcea oregana ssp. spicata using four currencies. American Journal of Botany 81:433-438.
Ashman, T-L., L.F. Galloway, and M.L. Stanton. 1993. Apparent and effective mating in an experimental population of Raphanus sativus. Oecologia 96:102-107.
Stanton, M.L., T-L. Ashman, L.F. Galloway, and H.J. Young. 1992. Estimates of male fitness in natural populations. pp 62-90 In R. Wyatt (ed), Ecology and Evolution of Plant Reproduction: New Approaches. Chapman and Hall, New York.
Ashman, T-L. and I. Baker. 1992. Variation in floral sex allocation with time of season and currency. Ecology 73:1237-1243.
Ashman, T-L. 1992. The relative importance of inbreeding and maternal sex in determining progeny fitness in Sidalcea oregana ssp. spicata, a gynodioecious plant. Evolution 46:1862-1874.
Ashman, T-L. 1992. Indirect costs of seed production within and between seasons in a gynodioecious species. Oecologia 92:266-272.
Ashman, T-L. and M.L. Stanton. 1991. Seasonal variation in pollination dynamics of the sexually dimorphic species, Sidalcea oregana ssp. spicata (Malvaceae). Ecology 72(3):993-1003.
Ashman, T-L. 1991. The factors governing the maintenance of gynodioecy in Sidalcea oregana ssp. spicata (Malvaceae). PhD dissertation, University of California at Davis. |