What are the Costs of Diabetes Mellitus?

Thomas J Songer, PhD

Department of Epidemiology

University of Pittsburgh

The presentation outlined below was created using Internet Assistant for PowerPoint from Microsoft. The complete presentation consists of 16 slides.

To start the slide show, click on the first slide below What are the Costs of Diabetes Mellitus?. Beneath each slide are buttons that allow you to move to the next slide, return to the previous slide, or return to the beginning of the presentation. A "text only" button is also provided for web browsers that cannot view graphics.

If you would like additional information or have questions concerning this presentation, contact Thomas Songer at tjs+@pitt.edu.

What are the Costs of Diabetes Mellitus?

1. What are the Costs of Diabetes Mellitus?

2. Why Consider Economic Research Related to Diabetes and it's Treatment

3. The Costs of Diabetes

4. Direct Costs of Diabetes

5. Direct Costs of Diabetes in the USA

6. Indirect Costs of Diabetes

7. Distribution of Indirect Costs

8. Opportunity Costs for Persons with Diabetes

9. Patient Concerns in IDDM

10. Percent of Income Spent on Health Care by Families with IDDM Children

11. Costs of using diabetes resources unwisely

12. Costs and Effects of an Intervention

13. Economic Evaluation of Diabetes-Related Issues in the Literature

14. Costs of too few or too many diabetes resources

15. Availability of Insulin & Syringes in the World

16. Summary

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