





Selected Papers

  1. Yang, F., Elmer, J., Zadorozhny, V. SmartPrognosis: Automatic ensemble classification for quantitative EEG analysis in patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest. Knowledge Based Systems, 212:106579, 2021.

  2. Elmer, J., Jones,B., Zadorozhny, V., Puyana, J.C., Flickinger, K., Callaway, C., Nagin, D. A Novel Methodological Framework for Multimodality, Trajectory Model-based Prognostication. Resuscitation, v. 137, 2019 

  3. Elmer, J., Zhou, Q., Zhang, Y., Yang, F., Zadorozhny, V. BrainFlux: An Integrated Data Warehousing Infrastructure for Dynamic Health Data. Proceedings of 23rd European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems , 2019.

Here is our summary presentation at grand opening of House of CAIR (featured in Krono )

This page is maintained by Department of Informatics and Networked Systems,  School of School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh


 BrainFlux Project