Reviews must be submitted by 11:59pm the day before the class in which the paper will be discussed.
Reviews will be submitted in Canvas
Your paper reviews should use the following format. Please summarize in your own words (i.e. do not cut and paste from the paper).
1. Problem (1-3 sentences): What problem does the paper address?
2. Contribution (1-3 sentences): What is the main contribution of the paper? That is, what is the "new thing" that this paper makes possible? What is the key idea behind how it solves (part of) the problem it addresses?
3. Approach and techniques (1-2 paragraphs): Summarize the main ideas of the paper. How does the solution work? What are the most important techniques that are used?
4. Results (1 paragraph): How do the authors demonstrate that they were successful in achieving their goals?
5. Strengths (2 bullet points): List two things you thought the paper did well
6. Weaknesses / Improvements (2 bullet points): List two things you think the paper could improve
7. Discussion points (2 bullet points): List two things you would like to discuss in class.
Things to consider in strengths/weaknesses:
To get started with discussion points, consider answering the questions below. Any ideas or questions you had while reading the paper are welcome!
Note: you should think carefully about the paper, but the review does not need to be long. About one page should be sufficient.