Research interests
Representation theory and its interactions with algebraic geometry and combinatorics. One particular topic I enjoy thinking about is McKay correspondence. Objects
associated to quivers
(Nakajima quiver varieties, Hall algebras arising from categories of representations of quivers over finite fields, to name a few) are of great interest to me as well.
- (with K. Kaveh and C. Manon) Toric vector bundles over a discrete valuation ring and Bruhat-Tits buildings, arXiv
- The universe inside Hall algebras of coherent sheaves on toric resolutions, arXiv, submitted to Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN
- On categories O of quiver varieties overlying the bouquet graphs, arXiv, to appear in Represent. Theory, Amer. Math. Soc.
- On Poincare polynomials of shuffle algebra representations, arXiv
- (with M. Elhamdadi and N. Fernando) Ring theoretic aspects of quandles, arXiv, Journal of Algebra, 526, 2019, pp 166-187
- Nontrivial Topological Quandles, arXiv, Arnold Mathematical Journal, 8, 2022, pp 535-542
Applied Mathematics
- (with M. Diss) Manipulable outcomes within the class of scoring voting rules, arXiv, Mathematical Social Sciences
111, May 2021, pp 11-18
(with D. Matvieievskyi) Soergel's V and the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture, chapter in Introduction to Soergel bimodules, RSME Springer Series, 2020
Expository texts
Soergel bimodules, Hecke algebras, and Kazhdan-Lusztig basis. Notes for the MIT-NEU Graduate seminar on category O and Soergel bimodules, Fall 2017.
Shuffle Algebras. Notes for the MIT-NEU Graduate Student Seminar on Double affine Hecke algebras and elliptic Hall algebras, Spring 2017.
Classification of solutions of the classical Yang-
Baxter equation (CYBE). Notes for a talk given for the course "Differential equations and Quantum groups", Spring 2016
Gieseker moduli space as a Nakajima quiver variety. Notes for the MIT-NEU Graduate seminar on quiver varieties, Spring 2015.