P. N. (Pat) Elrod has been very busy since her first novel was published in 1990. She currently has over 40 novels and short stories to her credit. She loves going to conventions and hanging out with fans, but be warned! This woman is energy defined, but never confined. Try to keep up with her at your own risk. To illustrate, when asked for a quote, Ms. Elrod responded, "Just hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt."
Her most popular novels of the supernatural revolve around a Jack Fleming, a writer who wakes up one evening, groggy and soaked, on a Chicago beach. The Vampire Files series consists of 11 books to date, with four prequels in the Jonathan Barrett, Gentleman Vampire series, and a new Jack Fleming book in the works. She has also tried her hand at a sci-fi/fantasy mix in the novel "The Adventures of Myhr," an effort I thought turned out very well indeed.
When she's not writing novels and attending cons, Ms. Elrod works at writing scripts for screenplays, including scripts for some of her novels. As she majored in drama during her university days, the playwriting should come as no surprise. To find out more about this energetic writer, visit her web site at www.vampwriter.com.