Oracle8 ConText Cartridge Workbench User's Guide
Release 2.3






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Configuration Manager: Manual Installation and Configuration

This appendix documents the various manual procedures for installing the Configuration Manager packages, as well as configuring and deconfiguring Oracle WebServer 2.1 and Oracle Web Application Server 3.0 for use with the Configuration Manager.

The following topics are discussed in this chapter:

Manual Installation of Database Packages

Installation of Configuration Manager is handled through prompts provided by the Oracle Installer during installation of the ConText Workbench; however, if the I/O utility (ctxio32), which is called by the Oracle Installer to create the database packages used by the Configuration Manager, fails to create the database packages, it may be necessary to manually install the database packages.

A SQL*Plus script is provided for this purpose. It is installed with the Configuration Manager. The script, and the packages it installs, only need to be installed if the normal installation procedure fails.

If the normal installation procedure fails, the location of the installed files depends on whether the installation was attempted against a Web Server running on the local machine or a remote machine.

Location of Installation Files (Local Installation)

If the installation was against a Web Server on the local machine, the files are located in the following directory:


Location of Installation Files (Remote Installation)

If the installation was against a Web Server on a remote machine, the files are located in the following directory:


Installing the Database Packages

To install the packages, change directories to the directory in which the packages are installed and use the following command from the command-line prompt:

> plus33 ctxsys/ctxsys@connect_string @cfgpack

Notational Conventions for Configuration/Deconfiguration

The section provides details for the notational conventions that apply to all of the configuration and deconfiguration procedures for Oracle WebServer 2.1/Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.


Buttons referenced appear within square brackets, with capitalization the same as it appears in the browser.

For example: [Modify Listener]


Links appear within angle brackets.

For example: <Web Request Broker>


All paths mentioned in the configuration steps follow the UNIX convention of directory names separated by forward slashes (i.e. '/'). If a path is a physical path (as opposed to a virtual path), and the platform is Windows NT, instead of a UNIX-based platform), then use the backslash character (i.e. '\') to separate directory names.

Configuring Oracle WebServer 2.1 for the Configuration Manager

Configuration of Oracle WebServer 2.1 for use with the Configuration Manager is normally performed through prompts provided by the Oracle Installer during installation of the ConText Workbench.

In the event that the WebServer configuration portion of the Configuration Manager installation fails, manual configuration is necessary to set up Oracle WebServer 2.1 for use with ConText Configuration Manager.


These procedures are different from those that apply for Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.


The manual configuration is carried out through a browser, such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. The browser should have forms and frame capabilities.

Deconfiguration procedures can also be applied to remove the Configuration Manager from Oracle WebServer 2.1.

See Also:

For more information about deconfiguring Oracle WebServer 2.1 to remove the ConText Configuration Manager, see "Deconfiguring Oracle WebServer 2.1" in this chapter.


Configuration Requirements

The following information is required during configuration steps:

Configuration Tasks

There are three major tasks in the configuration procedure:

Creating a DCD

This section describes the creation of a new Database Connection Descriptor (DCD) which provides PL/SQL Agent with the required information when connecting to a database. It also installs the WebServer Developer's Toolkit packages to the database. The DCD is used by the ConText Configuration Manager to process administration requests from a browser.

  1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
  2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <PL/SQL Agent> link.

    The PL/SQL Agent Administration page appears.

  3. On the PL/SQL Agent Administration page, select the <Create New DCD> link.

    The PL/SQL Agent Administration - Create New DCD page appears.

  4. On the Create New DCD page, in the DCD Name field, enter:

In the PL/SQL Agent Database User, enter:


Click the Identified by Password radio button.

In the PL/SQL Agent User Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the password of the CTXSYS user.

If the database on which ConText is installed is a local database, enter the ORACLE_SID in the ORACLE_SID field; otherwise, enter a connect string in the SQL*Net V2 Service field.

In the Authorized Ports field, enter the port number of the listener. This port number is used to access the Configuration Manager.

Select the Install WebServer Developer's Toolkit PL/SQL Packages checkbox.

In the DBA Username field, enter:


In the Password field, enter the password of the CTXSYS user.

Click the [Submit New Service] button.

The resulting page shows that the DCD has been created. This page may take some time to appear since packages are installed in the database.

Configuring Oracle Web Listener

This section describes how to configure a Web Listener for use with the Configuration Manager. A physical file-system directory is mapped to a virtual directory to specify a root directory for the Configuration Manager. Security for the virtual directory is also configured.

  1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
  2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Listener> link.

    The Oracle Web Listener Administration page appears.

  3. On the Oracle Web Listener (OWL) Administration page, select <CONFIGURE> for the listener used to access the Configuration Manager.

    The OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page appears.

  4. On the OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page, scroll down to the Directory Mappings block of fields to insert values into the first empty row.

    In the File-System Directory column, enter the physical path:


In the Virtual Directory column, enter:


Click [Modify Listener].

The Oracle Web Listener Administration page appears.

  • On the Oracle Web Listener (OWL) Administration page, select <CONFIGURE> for the listener used to access the Configuration Manager.

    The OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page appears.

  • On the OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page, select <Security: Access Control and Encryption>.

    The Oracle Web Listener Security page appears.

  • On the Oracle Web Listener Security page, scroll to the Basic Users block of fields.

    In the User Name column of a blank row, enter:

  • In the Password field, enter the CTXSYS password, scroll to the Basic Groups block of fields.

    In the Group Name column, enter:


    In the User(s) column, enter:


    Scroll to the Basic Realms block of fields. In the Realms column, enter:


    In the Group(s) column, enter:


    Scroll to the Protection block of fields. In the Virtual Path column, enter:


    In the Basic/Digest column, select Basic.

    In the Realm column, enter:


    Click [Modify Listener].

    The Oracle Web Listener Security page reappears.

    Scroll to the end of the page and click [Administration].

    Configuring Oracle Web Request Broker

    This section describes how to configure the Web Request Broker for a particular Web Listener for use with the Configuration Manager. The PL/SQL Agent is mapped to the virtual path of the Configuration Manager, and security for the PL/SQL Agent is configured.

    1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Web Request Broker> link.

      The Web Request Broker Administration page appears.

    3. On the Web Request Broker Administration page, select <Modify> for the listener used to access the Configuration Manager.

      The WRB Cartridge Administration Page appears.

    4. On the WRB Cartridge Administration Page, scroll to the Applications and Directories block of fields.

      In the Virtual Path column, enter:


    In the App. column, enter:


    In the Physical Path column, enter:


    Scroll to the Protecting Applications block of fields. In the Virtual Path column, enter:


    In the Basic/Digest column, select Basic.

    In the Realm column, enter:


    Click the [Modify WRB Configuration] button.

    The configuration of Oracle WebServer for use with the ConText Configuration Manager is now complete.

    Before using the Configuration Manager, restart Oracle WebServer.

    Deconfiguring Oracle WebServer 2.1

    This section describes how to remove the Configuration Manager configurations from Oracle WebServer 2.1.


    Some steps instruct the user to remove a particular value from a field. This can be done by placing the cursor at the start of the data in the field and holding down the Delete key until all the data has been removed. Alternatively, it may be possible to double-click on a value then press Delete.

    For any pull-down menu fields, select a blank entry from the pull-down. If there is no blank entry, select the top entry.

    Other steps instruct the user to remove a certain row from a block of fields. This means removing the value from each field in the row.


    Deconfiguration Requirements

    The following information is required during deconfiguration steps:

    Deconfiguration Tasks

    There are three major tasks in the deconfiguration procedure:

    Removing the DCD

    This section describes how to remove the Database Connection Descriptor (DCD) called CTX_DBA. It does not remove packages from the database account associated with the DCD.

    1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <PL/SQL Agent> link.

      The PL/SQL Agent Administration page appears.

    3. On the PL/SQL Agent Administration page, select the <CTX_DBA> link.

      The Modify DCD (Database Connection Descriptor) page appears.

    4. On the Modify DCD (Database Connection Descriptor) page, click the [Delete Service] button.

      The Delete DCD (Database Connection Descriptor) page appears.

    5. On the Delete DCD (Database Connection Descriptor) page, click the [Confirm Delete] button.

      The resulting page shows that the CTX_DBA DCD has been deleted.

    Deconfiguring Oracle Web Listener

    This section describes how to remove the ConText Configuration Manager configuration from the Web Listener used to access the Configuration Manager.

    1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Listener> link.

      The Oracle Web Listener Administration page appears.

    3. On the Oracle Web Listener (OWL) Administration page, select <CONFIGURE> for the listener which is used to access the Configuration Manager.

      The OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page appears.

    4. On the OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page, scroll down to the Directory Mappings block of fields.

      Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the File-System Directory column:


    Click [Modify Listener].

    The Oracle Web Listener Administration page appears.

  • On the Oracle Web Listener (OWL) Administration page, select <CONFIGURE> for the listener which is used to access the Configuration Manager.

    The OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page appears.

  • On the OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page, select <Security: Access Control and Encryption>.

    The Oracle Web Listener Security page appears.

  • On the Oracle Web Listener Security page, scroll to the Basic Users block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the User Name column:

  • Scroll to the Basic Groups block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Group Name column:


    Scroll to the Basic Realms block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Realms column:


    Scroll to the Protection block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Virtual Path column:


    Click [Modify Listener].

    The Oracle Web Listener Security page reappears.

    Scroll to the end of the page and click [Administration].

    Deconfiguring Oracle Web Request Broker

    This section describes how to remove the ConText Configuration Manager configuration from the Web Request Broker of the particular Web Listener used to access the Configuration Manager.

    1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Web Request Broker> link.

      The Web Request Broker Administration page appears.

    3. On the Web Request Broker Administration page, select <Modify> for the listener which is used to access the Configuration Manager.

      The WRB Cartridge Administration Page appears.

    4. On the WRB Cartridge Administration Page, scroll to the Applications and Directories block of fields.

      Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Virtual Path column:


    Scroll to the Protecting Applications block of fields. Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Virtual Path column:


    Click the [Modify WRB Configuration] button.

    The deconfiguration of Oracle WebServer 2.1 for use with the ConText Configuration Manager is now complete.

    Configuring Oracle Web Application Server 3.0 for the Configuration Manager

    Configuration of Oracle Web Application Server 3.0 for use with the Configuration Manager is normally performed through prompts provided by the Oracle Installer during installation of the ConText Workbench.

    In the event that the Web Application Server configuration portion of the Configuration Manager installation fails, manual configuration is necessary to set up Web Application Server for use with the ConText Configuration Manager.


    These procedures are different from those that apply for Oracle WebServer 2.1.


    The manual configuration is performed through a browser, such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. The browser should have forms and frame capabilities.

    Deconfiguration procedures can also be applied to remove the Configuration Manager from Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.

    See Also:

    For more information about deconfiguring Oracle WebServer 3.0 to remove the Configuration Manager, see "Deconfiguring Oracle Web Application Server 3.0" in this chapter.


    Configuration Requirements

    The following information is required during configuration steps:

    Configuration Tasks

    There are five major tasks in the configuration procedure:

    Creating a Database Access Descriptor

    This section describes the creation of a new Database Access Descriptor (DAD) which provides the PL/SQL Agent with information used when connecting to a database. The DAD is used by the Configuration Manager to process administration requests from a browser.

    1. Access the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Application Server> link.

      The Oracle Web Application Server Administration page appears.

      Select the <DAD Administration> link.

      The Database Access Descriptor Administration page appears.

    3. On the Database Access Descriptor Administration page, select the <Create New DAD> link.

      The Database Access Descriptor Creation page appears.

    4. On the Database Access Descriptor Creation page, in the DAD Name field, enter:

    In the Database User, enter:


    Click the Identified by Password radio button.

    In the Database User Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the password of the CTXSYS user.

    If the database on which ConText is installed is a local database, enter the ORACLE_SID in the ORACLE_SID field; otherwise, enter a connect string in the SQL*Net V2 Service field.

    Click the Store The User Name And Password in the DAD checkbox.

    In the DBA Username field, enter:


    In the Password field, enter the password of the CTXSYS user.

    Click the [Submit New Service] button.

    The resulting page shows that the DAD was created.

    Creating a PL/SQL Agent

    This section describes the creation of a new PL/SQL Agent configuration for use with the Configuration Manager. It also installs the Web Application Server Developer's Toolkit packages to the database.

    1. Access the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Application Server> link.

      The Oracle Web Application Server Administration page appears.

    3. On the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page, select the <Cartridge Administration> link.

      The Cartridge Administration page appears.

    4. On the Cartridge Administration page, select the <PLSQL Cartridge> link.

      The PL/SQL Agent Administration page appears.

    5. On the PL/SQL Agent Administration page, select the <Create New PL/SQL Agent> link.

      The PL/SQL Agent Administration Service Creation page appears.

    6. On the PL/SQL Agent Administration Service Creation page, in the Name Of PL/SQL Agent field, enter:

    In the Name Of DAD field, select:


    In the Authorized Ports field, enter the port number of the listener used to access the Configuration Manager.

    In the DAD Username field, enter:


    In the DAD Password field, enter the password of the CTXSYS user.

    Select the Install Web Application Server Developer's Toolkit PL/SQL Packages checkbox.

    If the database is remote to the Oracle Web Application Server host OR if the database is local and admin listener owner is NOT a DBA then:

    Enter the CTXSYS and password in the DBA Username and Password fields.

    Click the [Submit New Agent] button.

    The resulting page shows that the PL/SQL Agent was created. This may take time as packages are installed in the database.

    Configuring the Oracle Web Listener

    This section describes how to configure a Web Listener for use with the Configuration Manager. A physical filesystem directory is mapped to a virtual directory to specify a root directory for the Configuration Manager. Security for the virtual directory is also configured.

    1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Listener> link.

      The Oracle Web Listener Administration page appears.

    3. On the Oracle Web Listener (OWL) Administration page, select <CONFIGURE> for the listener used to access the Configuration Manager.

      The OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page appears.

    4. On the OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page, scroll down to the Directory Mappings block of fields to insert values into the first empty row.

      In the File-System Directory column, enter the physical path (substitute real value of the Oracle home directory):


    In the Virtual Directory column, enter:


    Click [Modify Listener].

    The Oracle Web Listener Administration page appears.

  • On the OWL Administration page, select <CONFIGURE> for the listener used to access the Configuration Manager.

    The OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page appears.

  • On the OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page, select the <Security> link.

    The Oracle Web Listener Security page appears.

  • On the Oracle Web Listener Security page, scroll to the Basic Users block of fields.

    In the User Name column of a blank row, enter:

  • In the Password field, enter the CTXSYS password.

    Scroll to the Basic Groups block of fields. In the Group Name column, enter:


    In the User(s) column, enter:


    Scroll to the Basic Realms block of fields. In the Realms column, enter:


    In the Group(s) column, enter:


    Scroll to the Protection block of fields. In the Virtual Path column, enter:


    In the Basic/Digest column, select Basic.

    In the Realm column, enter:


    Click [Modify Listener].

    The Oracle Web Listener Security page reappears.

    Scroll to the end of the page and click [Administration].

    Configuring the Oracle Web Request Broker

    This section describes how to configure the Web Request Broker for a particular Web Listener for use with the Configuration Manager. The PL/SQL Agent is mapped to the virtual path of the Configuration Manager, and security for the PL/SQL Agent is configured.

    1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Application Server> link.

      The Oracle Web Application Server Administration page appears.

    3. On the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page, select the <Cartridge Administration> link.

      The Cartridge Administration Page appears.

      Select the <Cartridge Summary (Web Request Broker)> link.

      The Web Request Broker Administration page appears.

    4. On the Web Request Broker Administration page, scroll to the Applications and Directories block of fields.

      In the Virtual Path column, enter:


    In the App. column, enter:


    In the Physical Path column, enter:


    Scroll to the Protecting Applications block of fields. In the Virtual Path column, enter:


    In the Scheme column, select Basic.

    In the Realm column, enter:


    Click the [Modify WRB Configuration] button.

    The resulting page shows that the update of Web Request Broker was successful.

    Configuring Authorization Server

    This section describes how to configure the Authorization Server for use with the Configuration Manager. It provides authentication for Web Application Server cartridges to authenticate users before allowing them to use the Configuration Manager.

    1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Application Server> link.

      The Oracle Web Application Server Administration page appears.

      Select the <Authorization Server> link.

      The Authentication Configuration page appears.

    3. On the Authentication Configuration page, select the <Basic> link.

      The Basic Authentication page appears.

    4. On the Basic Authentication page, scroll to the Basic Users block of fields.

      In the User Name column, enter:


    In the Password column, enter the password of the CTXSYS user.

    Scroll to the Basic Groups block of fields. In the Group Name column, enter:


    In the User(s) column, enter:


    Scroll to the Basic Realms block of fields. In the Realms column, enter:


    In the Group(s) column, enter:


    Click the [Modify] button.

    The resulting page shows that the Basic Authentication was updated.

    The configuration of Oracle Web Application Server for use with the Configuration Manager is now complete.

    Deconfiguring Oracle Web Application Server 3.0

    This section describes how to remove the Configuration Manager configurations from Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.


    Some steps instruct the user to remove a particular value from a field. This can be done by placing the cursor at the start of the data in the field and holding down the Delete key until all the data has been removed. Alternatively, it may be possible to double-click on a value then press Delete.

    For any pull-down menu fields, select a blank entry from the pull-down. If there is no blank entry, select the top entry.

    Other steps instruct the user to remove a certain row from a block of fields. This means removing the value from each field in the row.


    Deconfiguration Requirements

    The following information is required during deconfiguration steps:

    Deconfiguration Tasks

    There are five major tasks in the deconfiguration procedure:

    Deleting the Database Access Descriptor

    This section describes how to remove the Database Access Descriptor (DAD) called ctx_dba.

    1. Access the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Application Server> link.

      The Oracle Web Application Server Administration page appears.

      Select the <DAD Administration> link.

      The Database Access Descriptor Administration page appears.

    3. On the Database Access Descriptor Administration page, select the <ctx_dba> link.

      The Modify DAD (Database Access Descriptor) page appears.

    4. On the Modify DAD (Database Access Descriptor) page, click the [Delete DAD] button.

      The Delete DAD (Database Access Descriptor) page appears.

      Click the [Confirm Delete] button.

      The resulting page shows that the ctx_dba DAD was deleted.

    Deleting the PL/SQL Agent

    This section describes how to delete the PL/SQL Cartridge Agent used by the Configuration Manager.

    1. Access the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Application Server> link.

      The Oracle Web Application Server Administration page appears.

    3. On the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page, select the <Cartridge Administration> link.

      The Cartridge Administration page appears.

    4. On the Cartridge Administration page, select the <PLSQL Cartridge> link.

      The PL/SQL Agent Administration page appears.

    5. On the PL/SQL Agent Administration page, select the <Create New PL/SQL Agent> link.

      The PL/SQL Agent Administration Service Creation page appears.

    6. On the PL/SQL Agent Administration Service Creation page, select the <ctx_dba> link.

      The Modify PL/SQL Cartridge Agent (PLSQL) page appears.

    7. On the Modify PL/SQL Cartridge Agent (PLSQL) page, click the [Delete Agent] button.

      The Delete PL/SQL Agent (PLSQL) page appears.

    8. On the Delete PL/SQL Agent (PLSQL) page, click [Confirm Delete].

      The resulting page shows that the ctx_dba PL/SQL Agent has been deleted.

    Deconfiguring the Oracle Web Listener

    This section describes how to remove the ConText Configuration Manager configuration from the Web Listener used to access the Configuration Manager.

    1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle WebServer Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Listener> link.

      The Oracle Web Listener Administration page appears.

    3. On the Oracle Web Listener (OWL) Administration page, select <CONFIGURE> for the listener which is used to access the Configuration Manager.

      The OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page appears.

    4. On the OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page, scroll down to the Directory Mappings block of fields.

      Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the File-System Directory column:


    Click [Modify Listener].

    The Oracle Web Listener Administration page appears.

  • On the Oracle Web Listener (OWL) Administration page, select <CONFIGURE> for the listener which is used to access the Configuration Manager.

    The OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page appears.

  • On the OWL Administration - Server Advanced Configuration page, select <Security>.

    The Oracle Web Listener Security page appears.

  • On the Oracle Web Listener Security page, scroll to the Basic Users block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the User Name column:

  • Scroll to the Basic Groups block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Group Name column:


    Scroll to the Basic Realms block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Realms column:


    Scroll to the Protection block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Virtual Path column:


    Click [Modify Listener].

    The Oracle Web Listener Security page reappears.

    Scroll to the end of the page and click [Administration].

    Deconfiguring the Oracle Web Request Broker

    This section describes how to remove the ConText Configuration Manager configuration from the Web Request Broker.

    1. Access the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page, select the <Cartridge Administration> link.

      The Cartridge Administration page appears.

    3. On the Cartridge Administration page, select the <Cartridge Summary (Web Request Broker)> link.

      The Web Request Broker Administration page appears.

    4. On the Web Request Broker Administration page, scroll to the Applications and Directories block of fields.

      Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Virtual Path column:


    Scroll to the Protecting Applications block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Virtual Path column:


    Click the [Modify WRB Configuration] button.

    The WRB Cartridge Administration page reappears.

    Deconfiguring Authorization Server

    This section describes how to remove the Configuration Manager configuration from the Authorization Server.

    1. Access the Oracle WebServer Administration page.
    2. On the Oracle Web Application Server Administration page, select the <Oracle Web Application Server> link.

      The Oracle Web Application Server Administration page appears.

      Select the <Authorization Server> link.

      The Authentication Configuration page appears.

    3. On the Authentication Configuration page, select the <Basic> link.

      The Basic Authentication page appears.

    4. On the Basic Authentication page, scroll to the Basic Users block of fields.

      Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the User Name column:


    Scroll to the Basic Groups block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Group Name column:


    Scroll to the Basic Realms block of fields.

    Remove all values from the row that has the following value in the Realms column:


    Click the [Modify] button.

    The Oracle Web Application Server Authentication Configuration appears.


    Copyright © 1997 Oracle Corporation.

    All Rights Reserved.



