Plane-Wave DFT Study Group
Thursdays 1-2pm - Start Date January 21, 1999
Location: Chevron Science Center, seventh floor conference room
Contact Jan Steckel (steckel+@pitt.edu)
What we're doing:
- 1-21-99, Using the SGI workstations, MSI license info, bulk calc in CASTEP.
- No meeting Thursday Jan 28th.
- 2-4-99, Pseudopotentials, choice of supercell, building a slab model of a
- 2-11-99, Structure of Solids, k point sampling, band structure calculations.
- No meeting Thursday Feb 18th.
- 2-25-99, Setting up a VASP job from CASTEP input files.
- No meeting Thursday March 4th.
- No more meetings for now; contact
Jan (steckel+@pitt.edu) or
Ken (jordan@a.psc.edu) with questions.
Some reading material for the plane-wave study group: