Molecular Isotopic Analytical Facilities
The Labs:
The organic geochemistry lab includes an automated solvent extraction system (Dionex ASE 350) in a lab with 20 linear feet of fume hood space, and ample bench space to perform any routine organic geochemistry required for extraction and separation of biomarker compounds. The molecular isotope lab houses instruments (GC, GC/MS, LC/MS, IRMS) for identification, quantification, and stable isotope analysis of bulk and molecular samples. |
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers (IRMS):
We have two Thermo Delta V IRMS instruments capable of C, H, O, N, and S isotope analysis in bulk or molecular samples. Both have a Thermo Trace GC-isolink with combustion and pyrolysis interfaces for molecular C and H isotope analysis. One has a Costech 4010 Elemental Analyzer for introduction of solid phase bulk samples for C, N, and S analysis, and the other has a Thermo TC/EA for analysis of H and O isotopes in liquid and solid bulk samples. |
LC/MS Instruments:
The lab houses two liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometers. Both have a Dionex Ultimate 3000 LC, one of which is coupled to a Thermo TSQ Endura triple quadrupole MS. The other LC is coupled to a Thermo MSQ single quadrupole MS, but also has Fluorescence and Diode-Array Detectors, as well as a fraction collector. |
GC and GC/MS Instruments:
The lab has two Thermo Trace Gas Chromatographs, which have FID, S-specific FPD, and ECD detectors, as well as a quadrupole mass spectrometer. These instruments are used to identify and quantify biomarker compounds. |