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Assessment and Intervention with Children and Adolescents Who Misuse Fire: Practitioner Guide (Programs That Work, 2017)

by David J. Kolko and Eric M. Vernberg

Assessment and Intervention with Children and Adolescents Who Misuse Fire presents practical guidelines to facilitate the clinical assessment and treatment of youth firesetting. Based on nearly four decades of research and intervention experience, the treatment is directed toward reducing any inappropriate involvement in fire or related activities in order to lower the risk for property damage, personal injury, and other adverse consequences associated with these behaviors. This evidence-based intervention provides clinicians with a comprehensive program for school-aged children, early adolescents, and adolescents, and the child and his/her caregiver(s) are both important participants in treatment. The modular approach allows for therapists to be flexible in deciding which topics to cover in order to best meet the needs of children and families. This treatment model encourages more appropriate and safe behaviors in both children/adolescents and their caregivers and provides skills likely to discourage fire involvement. In addition, the materials promote controlling exposure to incendiary materials and opportunities to use fire. The intervention is provided in a single volume, encompassing a practitioner guide, parent workbook, and child/adolescent workbook, including handouts for participating clients.

Purchase from Amazon or Oxford University Press

Assessing and Treating Physically Abused Children and Their Families (2002)

by David Kolko and Cynthia Cupit Swenson

This volume offers a comprehensive, practical approach to the assessment and treatment of physically abused children, covering child-specific, parent-specific, and family-specific interventions. It is one of the primary resource materials for David Kolko's training program in Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT).

The book presents an overview of child physical abuse (including statistics and consequences), discusses outcome studies and treatment implications, as well as assessment and treatment. It is primarily designed as a guide for professional mental health practitioners to help them:

Purchase from Amazon or Sage Publishing.

Handbook on Firesetting in Children and Youth (2002)

Edited by David J. Kolko

This book provides information on juvenile firesetters and reviews the current research on youthful firesetters and arsonists. The work illustrates methods of fire scene investigation and assessment relating to child-parent and family factors. This information is then used to prescribe interventions with the individual along with community-wide programs. The work also provides current information on fire safety education and curricula, with explicit training materials. Finally, the book addresses the need for residential treatment centers and training schools on methods for handling firesetting youth and maintaining a fire safe environment.

Key Features

Purchase from Amazon or Elsevier B.V.