Pre-Doctoral Clinical Psychology Internship Rotation
Science and Practice for Effective Children’s Services (SPECS)
Supervision: David J. Kolko, PhD, ABPP; Barbara L. Baumann, PhD; Elizabeth McGuier, PhD
SPECS offers interns an opportunity to expand their collaborative treatment experiences by working in at least one of three treatment programs, each with a different focus: interns can participate in a comprehensive on-site treatment program for children/youth involved with the juvenile court due to sexually abusive/inappropriate behavior, an on-site treatment program for children/youth and their families who are referred for anger, aggression, conflict, coercion, or abuse, or an integrated care program in an affiliated family health center in a nearby community. Many of these cases have histories of chronic behavioral health disorders (both externalizing and internalizing problems), sexual or physical abuse/trauma /PTSD, caregiver stress/psychiatric disorders, and family conflict/chaos. Many families have experienced long-standing health inequities which we also seek to address. Services can be delivered remotely or in person, based on case needs/resources. Interns have opportunities for assessment, education, short- and long-term treatment, participation in a multidisciplinary team, collaboration with probation/child welfare, and program evaluation/research, and will receive supervision by a licensed Psychologist. Interns are encouraged to participate for at least one-half day for 6 months in any one of our programs, as described below.
In the Services for Adolescent and Family Enrichment (SAFE) Program, interns provide services to children/youth and their families referred by Juvenile Court due to sexually inappropriate behavior. Many of these youth have diverse psychiatric, trauma, and family histories. Interns can deliver assessment, education, individual and family treatment of the child/adolescent and their caregivers and participate in a group program in collaboration with probation officers and SAFE clinicians.
The Services Aimed at Fire Education and Treatment of Youth (SAFETY) Program is a treatment program for children and youth referred for firesetting behavior by the Juvenile Court or Child Welfare. The program provides comprehensive clinical and educational services to the child/youth and family. Interns who work in the SAFETY program can gain valuable assessment and treatment experiences.
The Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT) Program offers interns the chance to be trained in and utilize a trauma-informed, evidence-based treatment to work with families involved in arguments, frequent conflict, physical force/discipline, child physical abuse, or other behavior problems. Interns will support children and caregivers exposed to trauma, help to enhance the safety of children and their families, and teach valuable emotional regulation, behavior management, and problem-solving skills that will help families reduce the risk of high conflict interactions themselves.