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Publications - 2001
click on the box to link to an abstract.

Burkart A., Debski RE., McMahon PJ., Rudy T., Fu FH, Musahl V, Van Scyoc A. and Woo S.L-Y. Precision of ACL Tunnel Placement Using Traditional and Robotic Techniques. Journal of Computer Aided Surgery, 6:270-278, 2001.

Danion F, Latash ML, Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM. The effect of a fatiguing exercise by the index finger on single- and multi-finger force production tasks. Experimental Brain Research 138(3):322-329, 2001.

Debski RE, Parsons IM, Woo SL-Y, Fu FH. Effect of Capsular Injury on Acromioclavicular Joint Mechanics. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Vol.83-A, No.9, 1344-1351, 2001.

Fischer KJ., Manson TT., Pfaeffle HJ., Tomaino MM., Woo S L-Y. A Method for Measuring Joint Kinematics Designed for Accurate Registration of Kinematic Data to Models Constructed from CT Data. Journal of Biomechanics, 34:377-383, 2001.

Höher J, Kanamori A, Zeminski J, Fu FH, Woo SL-Y. The Position of the Tibia during Graft Fixation Affects Knee Kinematics and Graft Forces for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 29, No. 6, 771-776, 2001.

Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM, Latash ML. The effect of finger extensor mechanism on the flexor force during isometric tasks. Journal of Biomechanics 34(8):1097-1102, 2001.

Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM, Li S, Danion F, Latash ML. Bilateral multifinger deficit in symmetrical key-pressing tasks. Experimental Brain Research 140(1): 86-94, 2001.

Papageorgiou CD, Ma B, Abramowitch SD, Clineff TD, Woo SL-Y. A Multidisciplinary Study of the Healing of an Intraarticular Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft in a Goat Model. American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 29, No. 5, 620-626, 2001.

Papageorgiou CD., Gil JE., Kanamori A., Fenwick JA., Woo S L-Y., Fu FH. The Biomechanical Interdependence Between the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Replacement Graft and the Medial Meniscus. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 29(2):226-231, 2001.

Scheffler SU., Clineff TD., Papageorgiou CP., Debski RE., Ma, CB., and Woo S L-Y. Structure and Function of the Healing Medial Collateral Ligament in a Goat Model. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 29:173-180, 2001.