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Black Diamond Formal: Alpha Delta Pi celebrates the ending of each year with an annual Black Diamond Formal. The Formal is typically held in a ballroom, and the sisters and their dates get dressed up to go. PICTURE
Date Parties: There are a few date parties throughout the year, typically around Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine's Day. They always promise to be a fun time! PICTURE
Mixers: Mixers are a great opportunity to meet the gentlemen in the fraternities on campus. Mixers take place at fraternity houses or restaurants. PICTURE
Sisterhood Events: There are many different sisterhood events throughout the year. Some of which include Grey's and tacos in the suite, pumpkin carving, Sunday brunch, game night, fondue night, and tie dye. PICTURE
Tailgates: During the fall Alpha Delta Pi holds an alumnae tailgate with lots of food and refreshments! PICTURE
Date Dash: Sisters are given 24-hours to find a date to a date party. Finding a date at the last minute is half of the fun! PICTURE
Diamond Heist: Diamond Heist is our Philanthropy event that takes place in the fall. It is a game of capture the flag played by fraternities and sororities. PICTURE
Quarters for Kids: Quarters for Kids is a cook-out that takes place in the spring time. All of the proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House. PICTURE
Hayride: Hayride takes place in the early fall. The sisters take a date on a haunted hayride, drink hot coacoa, and make s'mores! PICTURE
Senior Send Off: This special event only happens at the last meeting of every year. The graduating seniors leave their favorite items/memories to other members of the chapter. PICTURE