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Who Funds PITT ARTS?

The free programs of PITT ARTS are not funded by student fees or by Student Activities. We are funded through the Office of the Provost. The Provost has a firm commitment that students at Pitt have the opportunity to take advantage of all that Pittsburgh has to offer.

The concept that “the city is our campus” informs how PITT ARTS connects students with Pittsburgh’s vibrant art scene, both off and on campus. In recent years, PITT ARTS has received special grants. These have enabled us to offer even greater in-depth programs for you. Part of the work of the grant is to gather feedback from you in the form of surveys. If you are asked to fill out a survey, please do it carefully, because that information is used to make your arts experiences with PITT ARTS even better.

In addition to these funding sources, alumni, parents, students, faculty and staff have contributed to PITT ARTS in the form of monetary gifts.

How You Can Help

Ticket to the opera: $98. Ticket to the symphony: $63. Ticket to the ballet: $70. Involvement with PITT ARTS: Priceless!

Did you ever think about the great cultural value that PITT ARTS brings to you and members of the entire Pitt community? Now, consider that ticket prices, transportation, and even catering costs are increasing rapidly.

Contributions of all sizes help to keep PITT ARTS alive for you! Please consider giving back to PITT ARTS today.

Make your gift online now.

Simply type “PITT ARTS” in the “other” category, and decide what you think PITT ARTS is worth to you. Thank you for your support!