How Do I Get There?

Why complain that there is nowhere to go? You can jump on a free Port Authority bus and ride right over to laser shows at the Carnegie Science Center; check out a play at the O'Reilly Theater; attend a symphony matinee; or visit the Heinz Regional History Center and the Strip District—all accessible on the 500 Cultural Bus route.

The 500 Cultural Bus stops right here on campus and visits major cultural attractions in downtown and the North Side without having to change buses. The 500 Cultural Bus also provides free transportation to the Andy Warhol Museum and the Pittsburgh Zoo.

See a map of the 500 Cultural Bus route.

Schedules are available in the William Pitt Union, or check out the Port Authority's Web site.

Pittsburgh Links

The Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership provides you with maps to downtown, downtown parking and places to eat, as well as public transportation info and more great scoop about how to get around and have fun in Pittsburgh.

For more information contact the PITT ARTS office at 412-624-4498.