::: about
::: news
::: links
::: giving
::: contact

::: calendar
::: lunchtime
::: annual lecture series
::: conferences

::: visiting fellows
::: postdoc fellows
::: senior fellows
::: resident fellows
::: associates

::: visiting fellowships
::: postdoc fellowships
::: senior fellowships
::: resident fellowships
::: associateships

being here
::: visiting
::: the last donut
::: photo album

::: center home >> about

about the center

The Center for Philosophy of Science is devoted to philosophy of science in all its forms. It was founded in 1960 by Adolf Grünbaum and its first activities included the Annual Lecture Series and a supporting series of volumes. In the decades following, Center activities were expanded to include a Visiting Fellows Program, through which philosophers of science reside in the Center for a term or academic year to talk philosophy and undertake their own research; international agreements with Konstanz, Athens, Coruna and Catania; and philsci-archive.pitt.edu, a preprint server. The Center supports a full calendar of events, including weekly lunchtime talks, monthly lectures, workshops and international conferences.

     ::: mission
     ::: a brief history

     ::: Adolf Grünbaum memorial
     ::: celebrating 40 years: a history (2000)
     ::: center's philosophical heritage
     ::: an academic genealogy
     ::: international partnerships
     ::: center publications


The Advisory Board consists of the Center Officers
and ex officio members:


      ::: Edouard Machery (Jan 2015 - present)
      ::: Nicholas Rescher
      ::: Mazviita Chirimuuta (Nov 2018 - present)
      Associate Director

      ::: Erica Shumener
      Associate Director

      ::: James Woodward
      Associate Director (1 Sept 2010 - present)

ex officio members

     ::: Robert Batterman
     Dept. of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh
      ::: David Danks
     Department Head of Philosophy
      at the Carnegie Mellon University

      ::: John D. Norton
      Distinguished Professor, Department of HPS at the
      University of Pittsburgh      

interested in visiting?

Through its Visiting Fellows Program,
the Center invites
philosophers of science
to work in the Center
for a term or a year.

::: more

Revised 10/23/19 - Copyright 2006-2011