who took the last donut? 2010-11 archive
The Center has offices and computers, notice boards and schedules of talks, donuts and digital projectors. However the life of the Center lies with its people: its Visiting Fellows who scurry in and out of their offices on the 8th floor of the Cathedral of Learning; the Resident Fellows and Associates who wander in to chat or to hear talks; and the many speakers who pass through. In this part of our site, I pause to capture some of the fleeting instants that make the Center: a thought provoking-talk, an energetic encounter or even a mundane moment, such as when we ran out of donuts to feed the unexpectedly large crowd at a lunchtime talk.
John Norton

::: photo album
26 August 2010
::: A Visit from Nicholas
7 September 2010
::: Conforming and Non-Conforming Non-Conformist
Thursday, 1 September 2010
::: An Englishman, a Belgian, a German… walk into a bar
Friday, 17 September 2010
::: What's a SOU worth?
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
::: Doing Without Theory
Friday, 1 October 2010
::: Celebrating 50 Years
Friday, 8 October 2010
::: What to say about natural kinds
Firday-Sunday, 15-17 October 2010
::: Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation
Wednesday, 28 October 2010
::: New Ideas
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
::: Waiting
Thursday, 28 April 2011
::: A Week in the Life of a Center Fellow |