who took the last donut?

The Center has offices and computers, notice boards and schedules of talks, donuts and digital projectors. However the life of the Center lies with its people: its Visiting Fellows who scurry in and out of their offices on the 8th floor of the Cathedral of Learning; the Resident Fellows and Associates who wander in to chat or to hear talks; and the many speakers who pass through.
In these pages (links to right), former Director John D. Norton captured some of the fleeting instants that make the Center: a thought provoking-talk, an energetic encounter or even a mundane moment, such as when we ran out of donuts to feed the unexpectedly large crowd at a lunchtime talk.
Stale Donuts
::: last donut 2005-06
::: last donut 2006-07
::: last donut 2007-08
::: last donut 2008-09
::: last donut 2009-10
::: last donut 2010-11
::: last donut 2011-12
::: last donut 2012-13
::: last donut 2013-14
::: last donut 2014-15
::: last donut 2015-16