who took the last donut?
2013 - 2014 archive

The Center has offices and computers, notice boards and schedules of talks, donuts and digital projectors. However the life of the Center lies with its people: its Visiting Fellows who scurry in and out of their offices on the 8th floor of the Cathedral of Learning; the Resident Fellows and Associates who wander in to chat or to hear talks; and the many speakers who pass through. In this part of our site, I pause to capture some of the fleeting instants that make the Center: a thought provoking-talk, an energetic encounter or even a mundane moment, such as when we ran out of donuts to feed the unexpectedly large crowd at a lunchtime talk.
John Norton

::: photo album
04 September 2013
::: Cake
13 September 2013
::: The Best Experiment Ever Done
27 September 2013
::: Newton & The Duck
25 October 2013
::: Grades of Inductive Skepticism
5 November 2013
::: A Good Idea
3 December 2013
::: Induction
3 December 2013
::: Duck Pt.2
8 January 2014
::: The New Term
4 Februrary 2014
::: Neurons Prefer
4 March 2014
::: Exorcising Maxwell's Demon
25 March 2014
::: Brainstorming
28 March 2014
::: It's About Time
11 - 12 April 2014
::: A Good Experiment