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senior visiting fellows program

The Fine print

  1. Applicants for the Senior Visiting Fellowship must be senior members of the philosophy of science community. The Center is prepared to construe seniority broadly. However, default expectations are that the Fellow has a doctorate in philosophy or history and philosophy of science, has advanced professionally past tenure, has a significant record of noteworthy scholarship in philosophy of science and has taken leadership roles institutionally and in the profession.
  2. Offers of a Senior Visiting Fellowship will be made by January 31. The Senior Visiting Fellowship may not be deferred. At the time of acceptance, an affirmation that the applicant has or will have a status (e.g. US citizenship, appropriate visa status) that allows acceptance of the Fellowship stipend must be provided.
  3. Applicants should propose a focused project in philosophy of science to be undertaken and completed during the term of the Fellowship. The criteria for evaluation are academic merit of the proposal and academic strength of the candidate.
  4. Applicants should also propose an open-call conference in philosophy of science. If the Center decides to support it, the conference will be held at the end of the Fellow's year with budgetary support from the Center. One criterion of evaluation will be how much the proposed conference enables scholarly interaction that advances the field and otherwise would not happen.
  5. Fellows may remain in residence into the summer months, although the Center is then no longer able to provide a stipend or office support. Fellows intending to remain in residence over the summer should request this possibility in writing, indicating clearly the dates at issue.
  6. Senior Fellows will be expected to reside in Pittsburgh and to undertake research full time in an office in the Center for Philosophy of Science; and to participate in the life of the Center by attending and giving talks, contributing to discussion groups, etc. Senior Visiting Fellows may not undertake remunerated teaching during their tenure as a Fellow.
  7. The Center encourages applications from scholars who have not visited before in the Center. We will consider applications from past Center Fellows provided that ten years will have elapsed from the conclusion of their last visit and the proposed commencement of the Senior Visiting Fellow Position.

senior visiting fellows program:

::: the basics
::: the fine print
::: application

Revised 10/16/12 - Copyright 2011