Revised 6/2011


The University of Pittsburgh's Advanced Education in General Dentistry Program was established in 1989. The program is fully accredited and begins on approximately July 1st. of each year. The program is one year in length and enrolls up to three students. Since the program's initiation, 1 - 3 stipend residents have been enrolled each year into the program. We prefer to have students from diverse backgrounds. For the 2010-11 program year, residents are from Faculty of Dentristry at McGill University, University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry, and the University of Maryland Dental School.



There are no evening and/or weekend rotations, but a 24-hour on call schedule is maintained for the School of Dental Medicine and the Implant Center. The program follows the School of Dental Medicine's academic calendar. There is approximately a two week break at the end of December; and approximately 10 holidays during the year. In addition, thre are 10 paid days off during the one year.

In conjunction with the School's Department of Anesthesiology, residents treat patients using intravenous sedation, nitrous oxide and/or general anesthesia in the Center for Patients with Special Needs. As one component of this segment, residents receive the instruction required for eligibility to apply for an Anesthesia Restricted Permit II, necessary to administer nitrous oxide in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

If you have further questions regarding our program, please do not hesitate to contact our office or the Office of Residency Education.

Office of Residency Education
University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine

3501 Terrace Street
Room 440 Salk Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

Phone 412-648-8406
FAX 412-648-8219

Ms. Pamela Edwards

Advanced Education in General Dentistry Program
University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine
3501 Terrace Street
Box AA Salk Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15261-1923

Phone 412-648-8093
FAX 412-383-7796

Maribeth Krzesinski, DDS
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Comprehensive Care
Director, AEGD Program