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Soft Materials and Rheology Group Research

Natural and synthetic papillae

This research is supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).

Biomechanics of Cephalopod Adaptive Camouflage: Papillae and skin texturing

Cephalopods (which include squid, octopus, and cuttlefish) are well-known for their adaptive skin coloration, which allows them to blend into a variety of undersea environments (Fig 1). In addition to coloration, many species are also able to rapidly and reversibly alter the texture of their skin from smooth to bumpy, rippled, or leafy (Fig 2). The aim of our research is to probe the mechanical properties of cephalopod skin which enable this remarkable  transition. We utilize a variety of measurement techniques to characterize local and global skin behavior, including membrane inflation, indentation, cavitation, and creep experiments (Fig 3). These measurements are interpreted in context with histological analyses performed by our marine biologist collaborators in order to formulate a more complete picture of the mechanism by which the reversible skin texturing occurs.

This research is supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and is performed in collaboration with Dr. Roger Hanlon, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA.

Fig. 1: Image of a cuttlefish blending into its surroundings using both color and textural patterning. (courtesy Roger Hanlon)

Fig. 2: a) Australian giant cuttlefish (Sepia Apama) expressing bumpy (arrows) and rippled (circle) papillae. b) Sequence depicting the retraction of expressed leaf-like papillae in sepia apama. The skin transitions from highly expressed to completely flat in roughly one second. See video here.  (Images courtesy of Roger Hanlon).

Fig. 3: Skin inflation experiments using octopus skin. a) O-rings are glued to the skin of the octopus before removal to preserve residual skin stress. b) The skin is clamped and then inflated into a cylindrical hole to characterize its biaxial mechanical behavior.


Synthetic papillae and reversibly texturing surfaces

In addition to elucidating the fundamental mechanisms of papillae extension, we seek to implement bioinspired analogs of papillae – surfaces that will undergo reversible change in texture at the ‘flip of a switch’. Some of the reversible changes in skin textures expressed by cephalopods may be anaolgous to an old and well known problem in mechanics, the buckling instability. Diverse phenomena, such as the wrinkling of skin, or the growth of thin films for optoelectronic applications is governed by the buckling of rigid thin films attached to a compressible soft substrate. Such buckling phenomena may be harnessed to devise synthetic surfaces that show reversible texture. Mimicking the cephalopod's skin texturing requires the ability to spatially and temporally control of the buckling process. In order to achieve this, We use composites based on a shape memory alloy, a smart material, whose shape can be controlled simply by the flip of a switch.

Using the Shape memory alloy as an "artificial muscle", we have been able to show the formation of wrinkles (Fig. 4). The wrinkles are sinusoidal undulations, with lengthscales of the order of millimeter, similar to what is observed in the cephalopods. The buckling process is reversible, and the film returns back to its previous configuration, on the relaxation of the shape memory effect. Observe that the critical strains are relatively small (of the order of 3%), nevertheless, significant surface texture can be developed. In effect, by using the strain to drive a mechanical instabilies, it is possible to generate large displacements even with small strains. Current studies are focusing on modeling the basic mechanics  and dynamics of the actuation and deactuation of these synthetic papillae.

Additionally, we are also studying delaminations, where the buckling causes the debonding of the film from the substrate (Fig. 5), resulting in undulations of even larger magnitude. The delaminations, too are reversible, as seen in the movie below.

Finally, while such surface texturing on the flip of a switch is neat, it is far short of what a cuttlefish can do (Fig. 6 or Fig. 2b)! We still have a long way to go.

Fig. 4: Wrinkling of a thin polyester film adhering to a silicone substrate. The wrinkling is caused due to the contraction of the shape memory wire embedded in the silicone. The transformation from the top to the bottom picture takes about 0.1 seconds and is reversible.

Fig. 3: Delamination of a polyester film attached to a silicone surface.

Fig. 6: Papillae arising on the skin of a cuttlefish Sepia Apama. This sequence image from Allen, J. J.; Mathger, L. M.; Barbosa, A.; Hanlon, R. T. "Cuttlefish use visual cues to control three-dimensional skin papillae for camouflage", J. Comparative Physiology A 2009, 195, 547. Download full paper.

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Interfacially-active particles

Natural and synthetic papillae

Buckling phenomena

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