Writers' Café



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learning opportunities

Pitt's Writing Program offers classes in a broad range of creative writing classes every term.

You might also check out the composition program's certificate in Public and Professional Writing. The PPW Certificate is a great option for for people who are looking for ways to write on the job, whether they are looking for jobs in the nonprofit sector, the for-profit world, or government. Competitive internships available.

Associated Writing Programs (AWP) offers contacts for writing programs and for writers' conferences and centers.

The Electronic Poetry Center at SUNY-Buffalo offers resources that focus on "digital and contemporary formally innovative poetries, new media writing, and literary programming."

Pitt offers non-credit informal writing classes for older adult learners through the College of General Studies .

Non-credit writing workshops are offered seasonally for a modest cost at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts School.

A free monthly poetry workshop is run by Pittsburgh Poetry Exchange at City Books, 1111 Carson Street, South Side at 8 p.m. on the first Monday of each month.

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The Writing Center

Department of English
University of Pittsburgh


Questions or comments? E-mail wcafe@pitt.edu homereadingcontests communitypublishing